Soundcraft 600 Users UNITE!

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Soundcraft 600 Users UNITE!

Post by Roboburger » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:45 pm

Once I get some spare time (in March), I'm gonna crack open my idle 600, and re cap and chip, and replace non-working switches on a few of the more finicky channels. I was just reading where the Texas Instruments update of the TL072, called TLE2072, has a lower current draw, and better specs. I figure my board is around 20 years old, and so is everybody else's. So I can't be the only cat out there who wants to replace channels on his/her board.

I was wondering how many 600 users there are out there, and if there would be a market for swapping twos of these re-animated channels for two of your working-but-sketchy channels and a little bit of cash to cover parts and labor...

It would work like this: I wouldn't want your channels out of the blue, But when I have a pair reanimated, I'll email whoever want's to be on the waiting list. Whoever needs a pair can email back, and I'll paypal them the price of two channels spruced up plus deposit, and Priority mail them. When you get them- swap 'em out, see if you like the difference and either mail me back the worst two channels of your bunch (I'm just gonna recap, chip, and replace non-working switches on it anyway) and get your deposit paypaled back, or mail back my channels (if you don't think it's worth it) for a full refund- we both eat a lap of postage in that case. Either way, you are never without all of your channels on your board. Swapping channels only takes a small screwdriver for those of you who haven't cracked your open...

Then I'll work up two more as I can, and start the process over again. I figure I'll be able to buy the parts to fix them cheaper when I buy them in bulk. Hopefully, I can get real quick on the process and be a decent service to people who like the big boards. You won't have to buy extra modules you won't need, just replace a pair as you can afford.

I have no idea what prices would be, I haven't done any homework along that line just yet. It'd be a sweet deal IF I could keep P&L down to about 60-70 bucks per channel, don'tcha think? I wouldn't have to build up a stock of channels, I'd always end up with the 24 I had to start with... You wouldn't have to buy extra channels and have old lousy ones laying around... Over time, the TapeOp community would have slammin' 600s.

To me, The 600 is a great basic board, It's definetly a class of board worth maintaining if it can be done cheaply (I don't think the 90's era Mackies and Behringers could make that claim)- The Modular format will make it easy to work on which will help me keep it cheap- and having a bunch out there with recap jobs and chip upgrades would help them retain some value, as the digital world makes the recording community question the worth of having a large board relative to having a rack of pre's.

Just thinkin' out loud.
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Post by kakumei47 » Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:57 pm

i might be interested but none of my channels are too bad.
have you or anyone else around here had any luck with doing any work or upgrades on these? there isn't a lot of real info...seems like a lot of people thinking about chip changes. I was thinking about trying the tle chip you mentioned. which one would you start with first. my board doesn't have sockets so its going to be a bit of a pain...
i don't use the pres much. which chip would be for the line ins...i'm having a bit of trouble finding my schematics since i've been moving around and i haven't done much of this stuff.

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Post by Kyle » Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:02 pm

Hey Robo

I'd be interested to know how the chip swap works out for you. I own the TS-12 and have been considering an upgrade for some time. I wonder if the current draw is low enough on the new chips that you could put a few really nice chips in a select group of channels without a significant drain on the power supply? Do you happen to know the slew rate and current draw of the TL2072? I couldn't seem to find this.


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Post by Roboburger » Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:05 pm

Current draw is 1.8 mA (max)- down from 3mA, and the slew rate is 45 V/uS (typical) up from 13 V/uS

I got the info from the Texas Instruments site.

I liked this article when I read it a few years back. ... mp_cap.htm

He's got a buncha great articles if you mess around his site.
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Post by Kyle » Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:21 pm


That was a great article. I remember reading that before but not understanding most of it. It makes much more sense now.

These new chips read like they could really improve the detail of our soundcraft pre's. Thanks for posting this. I would be into going in on your bulk order if you need greater qty.

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souncraft 600

Post by ChicoJones » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:58 am

my soundcraft S600 is in decent shape but i am interested in upgrades. anyone doing some similar mods to the master module?

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600 upgrades

Post by phillip haut » Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:53 am

When I bought my 600 a few years ago, the mic pres and the master section had been optimised by Audio Upgrades. I like the way this board sounds although I have no idea what he did. I'm going to have him change the EQs 2 at a time when I get some money. Phillip

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Post by wiz1der » Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:14 am

So is this still a go?, or were you guys really just thinking out loud? I just acquired a series 600, and would be interested.

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Post by Roboburger » Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:16 pm

My life took a turn away from it for a while. Right now my 600 is in my basement workshop, all ready for me to get going on it... I had a hard time just keeping up with the yardwork this summer. Really, I need a different gig before I'll be able to get kicking on it.
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Post by bunny » Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:51 pm

i've got a 32 channel 600 that has some moody channels... i'd probably be into some upgrading.

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Post by Roboburger » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:39 pm

Well, it seems I'm gonna shut down the ol' studio- since the wife and I bought a house farther out of towm, I can barely get to the studio to get any work done. SO once the new year comes around, I'll be shutting down Big Ed's used Farms.

I'm gonna do minor stuff outta my basement. But I wanna renew my previous interest in audio electronics. I have to, I gotta stack of non working audio gear head high! I'm gonna have no excuse to not "step up" and put my money where my mouth is on this one.

So I'll be a year behind schedule. Actually about par for my life.
Audio Engineer Euphemism for going number two: "Rollin' off the Low End."

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