how do you clean orange soda out off a mic?

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how do you clean orange soda out off a mic?

Post by CabreeToe » Tue May 27, 2008 3:10 pm

Okay. I believe this falls in the "dumb-ass" catagory but please be gentle. :cry:

I was on a film shoot working boom op and sound mixer. I have a RODE-NT6 that i had positioned behind a wood brace to help capture room sound and specificly an on-set crash of a glass table broken by a ceiling fan. I had the capsule head around 3 feet from the table behind a wood rail that I thought would protect it. I forgot (didn't think) about the cans of orange soda on top. The fan was thrown down with much force shattering the table (sounded Awesome!) Then a can started rolling around with a micro spurt of soda spraying everywhere and on everything including my NT6 capsule. I got to the capsule as soon as possible and immediately shook out as much as possible. But there was still a little soda on the front grill. Which i asume also got soda on the capsule.
The warehouse we were in was litterally about 104 degrees so I think before I could get home most of what soda was there must have evaporated on the mic. I haven't had the nerve to check the mic yet. For fear of phantom power goin throught and reaping more damage. (stupid I know but again I am fragile right now) :oops:

What should I do?
What can I do before testing the mic to ensure I won't cause further damage?
What cleaning method do you think best rid a capsule of sticky soda without causing more harm? :cry:

Nate Dort
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Post by Nate Dort » Tue May 27, 2008 6:48 pm

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