Help With Tambourine Programming

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Help With Tambourine Programming

Post by cjac9 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:37 pm

I was listening to U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind." I don't know if they played or programmed the tambourines but they fit really tight with Eno's loops that are going on. I'm assuming that they programmed them because I don't know anyone that can play a tambourine half-decently.

What software can you guys recommend for programming very basic rhythm tracks like tambourines and shakers, that sound good and not wimpy and thin like most tambo loops I've heard (i.e. Reason's tambo loops?)

I'm thinking that GURU or RMX could be good but they are stressing a bunch of options I don't need and genres I don't generally work in.


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Post by timmymacdd » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:29 am

Its actually all in the processing and mix actually......reason would be fine actually......

But RMX has some great tamborine loops on it. go to my crappy music and at :52 seconds is the rmx tamborines. THey start somewhere in there.....One more thing about that rmx rocks for times when you want a really quick beat going....ANd you can break everything down to like no snare or just tamborines or however you want it broken down.

BUt it is a great tool.....I use it most when I have someone over that can't play to a click track and sound alive. Also good for shooting out song demos.

RMX is opposite reason that it is hard to figure out how to use it good.......and it is hard and mushy.......but they both work and they both run out of cool loops fast. watch out for trying to figure out how to use RMX with midi since it is time consuming and tricky at first. It doesn't work like you would think it does.

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Post by timmymacdd » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:40 am

I should add that the whole drum sequencing on that first song is the RMX.....and ten minutes of time.....well that should be and really I guess I should probably account for the fact that it was more like 25 minutes time.....since 10 minutes on a computer is really 25 minutes in real life time.

another thing I don't like on rmx is that it is tricky to try to program a loop fill.....or I should say fill-ins.....they have none. Which can also be ficed in the mix.....But you can do the song in like 8 minutes and have drums up and running decent.

Of course if you go to the third song on my crappy songs list you will hear what reason can do on drums. there presampled drums package is sounds as close to a real drummer as you could fake.

The combination of live drums and fake sequences becomes a little tricky though since your regular drummer has to have the fake stuff in his mix while tracking in order to match up the "feel" of a song or else you will have to beat detective his

nothing sounds worse than one real drummer and one fake sequence playing in a song.....IMHO

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Post by roscoenyc » Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:57 am

I like the Tambos in EZDrummer's "Latin Percussion" pack.
They sound pretty natural. Back and forth with and w/o accents.
lots of different grooves.

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