Any recommendations on an Acoustic engineer in Berkeley/SF?

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Any recommendations on an Acoustic engineer in Berkeley/SF?

Post by tdbajus » Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:17 pm

While this is by no means a certainty, due to the legions of people apparently walking around with suitcases full of cash willing to buy houses for more than a bank will appraise, it seems that I might be in possession of an actual grown-up home.

Better still, there is an existing detached garage that has been seriously mangled an adjacent redwood, which need to be 'repaired' (which is, it seem, insane California talk for tearing down something but leaving one wall up, building something new, then tearing down the last wall and replacing that).

I'm sure I don't have to tell you what's going through my mind here.

While I have spread many a square foot of green glue in my day, it was always under the instruction of someone else. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend someone who knows what they are doing, so I can get a rough budget.
I hear you singing in the wire.

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