What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by inverseroom » Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:03 am

Programming some Juno-60 patches and trying to run a casio toy keyboard through the filter on my Micromoog.

Trying to finish a writing project that is behind schedule so that I can play more music!

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by penrithmatt » Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:58 am

Longwave.With John Leckie.Allaire's Neve Room.First day of six week tracking session.All went really well.Late night.Veru tired now.1pm Start.
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by inverseroom » Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:26 am

TapeOpLarry wrote:Waited around for a client who didn't show up, so I rewired some patch stuff, relabeled a ton of shit, fixed the stuck mutes on the Saber, boxed up review and broken gear to return, etc....

Then edited some stuff for the next issue. Catching the 10:40 Fahrenheit 911 when my "date" gets here...
HEY MAN!!!! Does that include the keyboard piece I wrote ya? :|

I wonder, do you demand payment out of no-shows? And if so, how often do you actually get it?

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by antilog » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:23 am

mixed a recording from Sunday

track list is posted elsewhere....
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by Velcrocore » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:51 am

We finished mixing our third album! Now we get to go to the mastering house. Woohoo!


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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by trodden » Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:58 am

Burned another set of 24 bit discs for mastering because the other disks "didn't work." Starting to get pissed at my computer for acting up and why I keep getting DAE error -199.
Of course now that I have time to work on my own projects, technical issues arise. Got a month to build intro noise track for our cover of The Smiths "last night I dreamt that somebody loved me." along with a few other noise tracks for our new songs.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by the velour fog » Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:28 am

i moved into a new apartment, and thought i had to work on monday. so i showed up and the parking lot was empty. so i went home and tried putting my home studio back together and work on my abbey road cover.
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by aurelialuz » Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:14 am

saturday, scratch mixed a song of ours, and two of another band's on a neve 5516 (i think?) to a studer A820, GML and manley EQs, chandler limiters, tube echoplex, it was really, really hard keeping my drool off the gear. we're hopefully going to get to mix our whole record there when we finish it.

sunday, tried to record the final piano parts for a band i've been slowly recording since december, and although i got a really good sound, the piano was just too out of tune to keep. you can only use pitch control to solve so much...

yesterday took a listen to the same recordings with the guy who'll probably mix it. noted stuff that probably had to be retracked and did some scratch mixes for the first reel.

i was supposed to work on my vw bus' fuel line yesterday, but i've obviously sold my soul for rock and roll.

i did accomplish a lot of gin and beer drinking this w/e.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by SpockPicasso » Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:22 pm

Recorded scratch vocals and guitar for a new song.

This was the first thing I've recorded in quite a while. Over the last few weekends I've replaced my monitors and rewired a bunch of stuff, so that everything in my spare-bedroom setup can be ready to go really quickly. It paid off; my bandmate and I went from zero to puching record in about 5 minutes.

Down in the basement we hear the sound of machines...

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by trianglelines » Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:35 pm

I took the opportunity to create a texture part to the song I posted previously in the MP3 section for feedback.

The advice was "get something interesting into the right stereo field." Good advice, so I copped an idea from a favorite song by a group called The Nightingales-- the song is Idiot Strength.

Strangely, in my frustation I ended up trying to find out more about the keyboard they used in their song... god bless the internet, I found an email to the main guy of this totally obscure British post punk act and wrote him.

He wrote me back to tell me what they used... I'm not telling yet because there is one of these on the 'bay right now and I don't need competition ;-) It is a total POS thing, but it recorded for them so nicely... anyway... Here is what I did:

http://home.comcast.net/~timt11/media/P ... 70504c.mp3

I think this is probably done now. It has been my "home studio" training song for too long.


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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by @?,*???&? » Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:10 pm

Took a meeting with a band this morning about mixing existing material and then tracking new material for them. Re-arranging some of the material seems to be necessary.

Also, working on local product placement for some of the Third Monk artists.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by squizo » Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:20 pm

finished a one week multi-session with
Black Nasty (diabolical '91 style whigga rap),
Pink Nasty(gonna be the next female coldplay/strokes, but in a 100 pound girl),
and a younger brothers band called The Kevins(hmm black's antithesis?...imagine a even more nervous nick drake that's very nice and always in love)
....and they are all related!! 2 brothers and a sister!!! i couldn't imagine

tracked some vocals outside in my backyard next to a busy 23rd street (damn car sub systems)
tracked some drums on my driveway, placing the 'room' mics in my garage door opened and another in my doorstep....until the cops came...but they we're cool and even hit the drums some

re-soldered a p-bass input four times (angrily)
but felt better after using my modded bellari as it's D.I.

recorded all the drums bass and instruments on my newly acquired (and practically new in the box) fostex G16 and it sounded awesome!!! can barely tell it's only 1/2" tape!!! and i've worked on some top o the line 2"machines.....

dumped it into my mackie mdr with no problems at all (my biggest worry and fear) and began some vox and noodley o'dubs

i think i've gone through more styles than bowie in the last week

they paid me and split to their respective ends of the country (black to LA, Pink to Boston and Jon to wichita) so today i'm gonna get to work on a max weinberg style hussle for Pink's song about how her 45 year old guitar teacher wanted to date her when she was in 6th grade....sick psychedelia awaits

it feels good to be yr own boss and work with people who are fun and inspiring.....it almost makes me feel bad for taking their $$$$$...but now...thanks to them .....i'm addicted to Chipotle .

so i'll use the cash for my triple bypass surgery


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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by linus » Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:30 pm

Hung the inner door on the isolation booth I'm building in my studio space. 3" thick layered ~ 250 pounds, thought I was going to lose a finger while installing it. But if fits perfectly, like an air-lock.

All the while I fought off cockroaches with a 2x4 (god I love New York f*cking City)

Getting closer and closer to finishing the isobooth so I can finally move in and make noise again.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by djslayerissick » Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:56 pm

did a 1st mix of a song for my bands upcoming album.

the vocal was a little boring sounding, so i slapped on a vocoder in the key of the song and a major 3rd. and set one to white noise to make to accentuate the consonants and make it easier to understand the words. it added a nice breathy effect too.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 7-05-04

Post by dungeonsound615 » Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:58 pm

Well ive been recording a screamo band th elast two days, kinda like Norma jean, between the buried and me. Very cool guitar parts and very melodic cool stuff. So today we start doing vocals and it sounds cool mostly screams, but i cant help but wonder what it would sound like with actual sung vocals. Spent four hours tracking nothign but screaming vocals. Someone please send a folk acoustic band my way.


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