In Defense of Beringer - The Final Word

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Re: In Defense of Beringer - The Final Word

Post by yardleyone » Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:35 pm

I own some Behringer gear. I'll chime in.

I've have a eurodesk 24-trck 8-bus that i bought nwe about 8 years ago... the thing has never worked right. The signal routing is all messed up on it, half of the paths never worked, the aux returns have always been screwed up, and currently about 1/3 of the channels are completely out on the board.

It was screwed up right out of the box. Some of channels have gone out since then, but everything else that's wrong with it has always been wrong with it. I sent it back to Behringer when it was first purchsed. Two months later it came back with the signal paths still not functioning properly and the ax returns still not functioning at all. Plus the managed to invert the mute button on one of the channels so that it's muted when up and not when down. Basically screwing up the mute button on the one channel was the only thing that I could tell they even did to the board when it went back for repairs. At this point i kinda gave up hope. It's still the console I use today, but it's totally jacked. I run out ot the main mix and am unalbe to use my studio outs on the board. I route my auxes back into unused channels on the board as the returns don't work. Basically i take the long was to do everything on this baords.

Oh yeah, and it sounds like shit too.

I also have a behringer headphones amp. thus fars it's blown five different pairs of phoness. It's trash and unusable.

So no, I wouldn't recommend that anyone buy anything from them. Ever. Under any circumstances. I was 16 when I got the console and the way things went down is just not right. And I've heard many similar stories from other behringer owners. If you have a behringer product that actally functions as it's supposed to, consider yourself lucky. Never mind how it sounds
all the bad leaves fall on cake for heaven's sake

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Re: In Defense of Beringer - The Final Word

Post by squizo » Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:46 pm

you guys are fucking snobs
i use my behringer band saw on everything...!!!
it has NO END!!!

hitler youth made me do it

ps I'm addicted to the aussie shiraz too!! but Grace pres are just boring!

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Re: In Defense of Beringer - The Final Word

Post by jtienhaara » Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:19 pm

Behringer just doesn't give me enough "warmth". Very cold units, if you ask me.

I've tried the Grace Pres. Very grassy nose, with a hint of oak.

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Re: In Defense of Beringer - The Final Word

Post by monkeyboy » Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:31 pm

I have a a Eurorack mx2462 mixer that I bought before I knew anything. I use it for some live stuff and a practice PA...
I would describe it's sound as functional, but incoherent. It's always
worked, and it does what it's supposed to, but I just don't like how
it sounds.

I friend of mine bought one of those toob jobs a couple of years a go.
We plugged it in and experimented with it for several hours. I'm
convinced it did zero. It might as well have been a space in the rack. He took it back.

Depends on the budget, but I would not suggest it if the person had money for something else.

BTW funny joke AJ, cracked me up.


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