Ear Plugs

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Ear Plugs

Post by dictaphone » Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:32 pm

Help me save my hearing. I really need to find some ear plugs that sound neutral and also don't hurt to wear. I have 3 different pairs, but I can't stand any of them. They all hurt my ears for hours after taking them out, and they have no high end.

Thanks to all who help.

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by digdug » Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:19 pm

Most ENTs will make specially formed earplugs for you that have flatter-than-normal earplugs that work pretty well. I use them when attending live shows, though I'm still not completely comfortable using them for rehearsals and gigs. Cost about $100, and it's the best option I've come across.

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by patternismovement » Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:48 am

my band had the same issue. I went ahead and bought custom molded ear plugs. These ear plugs are based off of a research facillity. The idea is not to plug your ears, but rather attentuate the db's. My pair cost $150. However, they sell a universal pair for $10. GO to: http://www.etymotic.com/ephp/erme.asp

You can buy them at Musiciansfriend if you like. Some of the guys in the band got the universal ones. They like them, but the fit is uncomfortable at times -- however, I got the custom mold and love em. I also use them during the show. I hear everything better. The reason being: It brings everything down about 20db. This means my brian doesnt have to work as hard to listen while I play the drums -- and believe it or not, my drums are louder now b/c they are closer than all the other amps, however, I dont have to strain to hear everyone play --- so the balance is perfect. also, when at a show and talking to someone, the person is more clear than the music because of the proximity of the person.

Hope this helps

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by zarcharius » Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:32 am

I just got a pair of the etymotic labs generic earplugs (ER 20, i think) and I really think they're the best plugs I have ever used. They don't sound perfectly neutral but they're a hell of alot better than those shitty foam things. I haven't had any real problems with the comfort, but I haven't been in any situation where I needed to wear them for more than about 45 minutes straight.

As far as the molded ones go, you might want to look and see if any colleges in your area have audiology departments, aot do and they'll probably give you a better deal on the plugs, plus you'll have a professional taking the mold.
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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by patternismovement » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:06 am

I went to an audiologist and they did the mold for me for free and sent it to the lab. Total cost was $125

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by kayagum » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:14 am

Somebody may shoot me for saying this, but I think if you don't jam the earplugs all the way into your ear, you can get some of the high frequencies without brutalizing your ear. I try to just lightly cover the ear canal opening.

Of course, if the song/band sucks, jam them in there! :wink:

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by patternismovement » Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:13 pm

That is true, if you are using foam ear plugs. However, the plugs I am talking about are not made of foam. They have attenuators on them. So, the sound is actually attentuated, not blocked (so to speak). The ones I personally own, they are molded for my ears, so they do go a ways down in my ear canal -- but that just affords better attentuation and therefore, better sound.

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by Professor » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:25 pm

I highly recommend the custom fit ear plugs. I've noticed that once I purchased these relatively expensive little guys, I've never left the house without them in my pocket. I wear them in the car on the ride to work so I can open the windows at 55MPH without feeling ear fatigue when I arrive. They go in at rehearsals, performances, at bars, everywhere.

They vary from location to location and generally run between $125 to $175 depending on the city and state you are in. Since the audiologist makes a custom mold of your ear, you can wear them for hours without discomfort. And you can buy them in clear, or various colors and flesh tones so they can hide out fairly well in public - no more big orange puffs in your ears.


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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by tuckerror » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:27 pm

i'll give big ups to the molded plugs. i have had mine for about 5 years, and they have been a dream. they are very comfortable, and they really sound natural, just bring down the db's a bit to quiet everything down. evenly tempered across all frequencies. you can even actually have a conversation with them in and you won't have to strain to hear others.

they are very discreet too, and i find uses for them outside of the club all the time.

now that i have had them for years, i can't imagine ever using foam plugs. it degrades the sound so much. i have never regretted the 100 bucks.


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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by Mr PC » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:35 pm

Another plug for the custom plugs-

Very well worth the money--

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by awolski » Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:07 pm

Sonically I found the molded earplugs to be really great but I had a couple practical problems with them:

-after about a year they started not to fit so well anymore. Eventually one of the molds became so tight that it was painful to my ear canal to get them in and out of my ear. They are sitting around until I can afford to get the molds remade, but I don't understand why they would change. Something about the plastic maybe? I'm way past puberty, the only place I'm growing is in the midsection so I don't get it.

-the ones I had had a plastic mold with a small round attenuator filter that snaps on. Several times I was reaching to pull out the mold and didn't get the mold out but unsnapped the filter and it fell to the floor. Trying to find one of those tiny things on the floor of a rock club after a show ended and people are trying to leave can be a challenge.

-they don't provide as much protection as the foam plugs so if you're going to see Mogwai or Borbetomagus or stand next to a Bonhamesque drummer on stage you'll still have ringing ears after the show.

But sonically, they do everything they say they will do and sound great.

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by T-rex » Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:01 am

I went to a local hearing aid place believe it or not, after a friend recommended me. It turns out several members of the local orchestra had gone there. Total I think was $120 (this was about 6 years ago). They fit like a dream and I got both a 15 db and a 25 db set of attenuators that you can clip into the molded part. They also make a 7.5 db one for singers and or people who don't need that much protection. I generally don't wear them for live perfomances depending on the venues monitoring, but I love them for rehersals and even for attending concerts. They do affect the highs a bit, but it's more lke taking your loud ass stereo and turning it down, all the frequencies go down fairly equally. Whereas with those foam things, it's more like taking your loud ass stereo and stuffing pillows in the speakers.

Even with a two half stacks in a loud rock band, I always leave practice feeling fine and with no ring. I only wish I had bought these years earlier and would highly recommend the molded kind to anyone.
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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by stui » Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:45 am

I've been using 25db attenuators in moulded plugs for about 5 years. Had them moulded and fitted at an audiology place and can highly recommend them. I use them for live gigs (I'm a drummer and my foldback is much clearer) and prior to mixing a live set so my ears don't get a compression shift from the other bands. Also good to whack them in when you want to listen to a loud amp in the studio for mic placement.

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by deadair » Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:40 am

i like the molded earplugs for just wearing around while a band is setting up/getting sounds etc. but for shows the 15bd of attenuation still left my ears ringing a little bit. meanwhile i just started using those generic etymotic plugs that are like $10-12..... theyre not quite as neutral, but pretty damn close and my ears never feel any fatigue after practicing or going to a show with them. to me theyre the perfect earplug.... and i dont have to be freaked out about dropping some $100+ plugs at a show.

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Re: Ear Plugs

Post by dougo » Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:42 am

awolski wrote:Sonically I found the molded earplugs to be really great but I had a couple practical problems with them:

-after about a year they started not to fit so well anymore. Eventually one of the molds became so tight that it was painful to my ear canal to get them in and out of my ear. They are sitting around until I can afford to get the molds remade, but I don't understand why they would change. Something about the plastic maybe? I'm way past puberty, the only place I'm growing is in the midsection so I don't get it.

But sonically, they do everything they say they will do and sound great.
What you could be experiencing is some form of surfers ear. You can look up the actual medical term for it on the internet. In a nutshell your ear being exposed to cold air or cold water begins to form bony growths in the ear canal. It's the bodies way of trying to protect itself. This does not happen to everybody. I myself have a left ear canal that is so tiny from exposure to the cold water that one tiny bit of wax causes a loss of hearing.

Hope this helps. Have the audiologist look in your ear. If they have the cam and monitor to show you make sure you check out your own ear canals. Crazy looking in there. Magnified wax can be quite frightening.

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