MBOX mic pres NEED Advice on Upgrade

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gettin' sounds
Posts: 127
Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:14 am
Location: Brooklyn, NY

MBOX mic pres NEED Advice on Upgrade

Post by goldenechos » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:55 am

I have previously used my MBOX for demos only. I plugged an Oktava MK-219 directly into it, and combined with the 1176 plugin, I was happy with the results. Now I plan to record songs for a spring 2005 release. I thought i would upgrade some parts of my signal path.

The songs are very simply arranged (vocal, fingerstyle acoustic guitar, lap steel and some electric piano). The recording will be MONO.

I purchased the PPA LD-2ube microphone ($300). I desired something with multiple patterns. The transformer coupled output and 7025 tube were selling points as well.

Is there a channel strip (pre & dynamics) out there for around $500, that would offer a great improvement over the MBOX pres? OR should i invest the $500 entirely into a compressor to put on the MBOX insert?
I guess i am also considering the quality of the microphone as well... I mean, with a $300 microphone, is there any reason to upgrade the MBOX pres?

Thanx in advance for any advice or shared experience.


gettin' sounds
Posts: 127
Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:14 am
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Re: MBOX mic pres NEED Advice on Upgrade

Post by goldenechos » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:58 am

I guess another thing to consider is the MBOX converters...


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