I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by rob@SigmaDelta » Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:16 pm

Hi steve :)
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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by Cellotron » Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:18 pm

rob@SigmaDelta wrote:Hi steve :)

Hey Robert!! :D

Man - you are EVERYWHERE on the net!!

Keep SAWing,
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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by Auxillary » Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:10 pm

what an odd thing! I would pay to try out an all behringer studio just for kicks.
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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by Brett Siler » Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:12 pm

rob@SigmaDelta wrote:
bobbydj wrote:
InvalidInk wrote:This is Tape Op. People get interviewed in their magazine for recording on Tascam cassette 4-tracks.
Do they?
wasnt there that guy who was using an early version of acid... I remember that one. Dont remember any soley 4trackers though.
Look at Tape Op Issue # 37 Sept/Oct 2003 article :Making the Tracks with Nerve Generator. They article is about how a band that stictly use a Tascam Portastudio 488 MKII.

I think they guy that used and early version of Acid is Manatoba.

The newest issue of Tape Op is an interview with Colleen, and she has recorded a lot of her music on a 4 track tape recorder.

The thing is you can make interesting sounding records and not have the best gear in the world. Now I think that the 4 track recordings migh sound more interesting than the all Berhinger digital setup. The kid also probably doesn't know what he is doing and I never claimed that he could make good recordings. I just not gonna say that he sucks with out hearing anything first, just because of a brand name.

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by jeddypoo » Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:09 pm

Although I just bought a Tascam 38 and an Alesis 1622 mixer, I have recorded virtually everything I?ve ever recorded, which is at least 1000 songs, on a Tascam 464 4-track cassette recorder, using only SM58s or worse and a Boss Digital Reverb/Delay as my sole processor until recently when I started borrowing my friend?s compressor for vox and bass. I have to say that after recording with that set-up for about 13 years, you get good enough that you can fool people who even think they know a lot about recording. I?ve got a full-length coming out on a British label soon, a 7? out there, and a full-length and another 7? out on a California label. Practically every review has expressed something to the effect that they can?t believe it?s one person with a Tascam 4-track. I thoroughly believe that this is not due to any ?genius? on my part but merely a combination of being ambitious and not having a lot at your disposal. I also discovered something about 4-track recording; the more you put on a recording, the better it sounds. It really is possible to get some terrific sounding records out of a cassette format, but you have to try and experiment and load the sucker up with sounds. Of course your musicianship and imagination are going to be factors, and it?s certainly a different matter when you?re recording a band as opposed to doing everything yourself, but you?d be surprised how good a 4-track can sound.

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by Marc Pledger » Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:15 pm

As to whether or not is elitist, how good is the gear in your studio? Do you own ANY behringer gear? If you do then either go trade it for neve joe meek ssl akg neumann etc or dont knock it! I like behringer gear for the live stuff i do coz its cheap, repels beer and is easy to use. I dont know if i would own a whole studio full of this stuff but im sure for stuff like headphone amps and basic compressors etc that you will not find any new gear that is better for the same amount of $$$$. Much like a few other replies i would be interested to see how good the 9K of behringer studio actually sounds. Wing maybe you should hit your mate up to record a track for you and post it here so we can hear it?

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by justinf » Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:21 pm

Some people just like to spend money instead of develop skills. It's the American way, really. Appearance over substance.

On a related note, better 9K to Uli than 50K to Full Sail.

I just showed my elitist ass, sorry.

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by okcrecording » Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:53 pm

yea but think about how cool your studio would be!! ALL SILVER!!! GLEAMING!!!

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by phait » Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:28 pm

I've known about B's bad reputation from another forum or 2...

I can't believe I read all 6 pages.

Anyway, I generally have the "smarts" to do my research and try the gear out, if possible - first and be skeptical of what a salesman is trying to sell me - i.e. I'm not going to buy it on his word alone.

I've spent just under $5k I think and I only have like 4 pieces of gear, and the purchases were my first ever towards a humble home studio - workstation keyboard, laptop, monitors and a headphones.

For me right now it works. Sure I can record my guitar direct - that works. But it sounds like ass, so I can't wait till I can start mic'ing. Generally, while I realize what I have isn't much, and may not be the "best" - I still realize I can do alot with what I have as long as I use my head.

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by chetatkinsdiet » Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:04 am

On a similar topic...I recently posted somewhere the gear I've got...pres, eqs, board, etc....It came in around the $6 or 7K range. Now, given the low prices of killer, analog, vintage boards these days...would I sell all this gear and dump it into one, nice board with great sounding pres, musical eq and even a compresser or two? Very, very tempting. But, I was able to spread these purchases out over 10 or so years. If I had $10K to walk into a store...first off, it wouldn't be GC.
I will state that I'm turning into an elitist. It's getting to the point where there's really not much gear in GC that interests me at all. A handful of guitars out of the hundreds....maybe one or two drumkits...a few nice mics, but very overpriced and misinformed on what they have. Outboard gear is shit...with a few UA exceptions. Stands, cables....shit.
I do still shop there for odds and ends and still browse the stores for the possibility of the random used piece that will come in that they don't know about.
$9K on behringer gear....man, I'm glad you guys bumped this one back up. I'd forgotten about it.
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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by gog » Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:10 am

... i think some behringer gear sounds "fine" compared to your average stuff out there, but the problem is that there's a very good chance that his gear will break down in time. i feel bad for the guy, although he should have done his homework before putting $9000 in the hands of GC. my experience with behringer stuff is that it will break, and seeing as he's got to own a LOT of their catalog for 9 grand, he's in for some headaches.
you know what they say, "buy cheap, buy twice".

shit, i wish i had 9 grand... shit, i wish i had $900 to buy some gear :wink:

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Re: I feel like such an elitist inside, but...

Post by phait » Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:33 am

I wish I had $90. Well I nearly do, but it's going towards webhosting and other stuff :wink:


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