ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

general questions, comments and ideas about recording, audio, music, etc.
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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by apropos of nothing » Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:47 pm

Cassette adaptor. 1/8th inch port to cassette mechanism that goes in the player. I use it all the time for my Archos.

...And by the by, I love my Archos. Recorder v2. Realtime mp3-encoding from line source through 1/8th inch jack or optical Is it a walkman? Yes. Is it a 20-gig USB 2 drive? Yes. Is it a field recorder? Yes. Awesome. ...Oh, and new OS updates are being released for it constantly, cuz there's a GNU public license OS that was reverse engineered onto it. It displays text files too. Best toy I've bought in a while.

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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by bassface » Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:37 pm

I think the playback on the ipod sounds quite good but I am at a loss as to why no one's put out an interface that allows you to record with an eternal mic at high fidelity.
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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by Milkmansound » Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:50 am

also good for the car: monster FM modulator - $50, and totally usable! There are like 8 stations to choose from, and it goes up to 89.5 - sounds great to me, very little interference, and you can leave it on the passenger seat.
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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by EletrikGutar182 » Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:20 am

you can use an auxliiary input on this, but i think it might be mono...
thought i'd add...


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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by hank hill » Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:29 am

I've got some questions that maybe the I-Pod users could help me out with. This topic came up at a great time.

I would love an mp3 player to keep a big library of music with me... I'd like to be able to play it on my car stereo (fm transmitter would be best right?).

I'd like to be able to record band rehersals and then be able to archive them on my computer at my studio. (I can just get the microphone atttachment right? Has anyone tried this sort of thing? either rehearsals or quick song ideas.)

I'd like to use it as a portable hard drive to get junk back and fourth if I have to. Is this feature simply plug and play on an Ipod like a regular portable hard drive? So I can interface on anyones computer without software installed?

Ok.. now.. heres the kicker.

I have a real cheap Palm Zire PDA. I keep my phone numbers in it, have a shopping list, jot down numbers of odd gear I find at thrift stores so I remember model numbers when I want to research it, I keep track of how many hours people have left and when they need to pay me... all that sort of stuff (very basic info.. just use the notepad.. the palm zire isnt very high tech).

The interface is really difficult and I'm thinking about upgrading but I don't really know what to upgrade to.

Is there something out there that I could do all the tasks I do on my Palm Zire PLUS be able to play mp3s and record rehearsals?

How is the Calendar/Contacts/Notepad feature on the I-pod? Do they work well synced up to a PC?

or should I get a pocket PC?? is there a way to interface the audio from that (mp3s on flashcards) to my car stereo? I know that some pocket pcs have voice recorders.

As it is now I have my cellphone, my palm, and a cassette voice recorder that I carry around.. help me out.

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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by bobulatorm » Mon Nov 08, 2004 6:23 am

some people mentioned the iRiver - do you rate them for recording purpouses? thinking about getting one! whats the difference between the 2 lines apart from the facias? i cant work it out... thanks! :)

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Re: ipod pro-audio interface dreams need to become reality

Post by Milkmansound » Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:11 am

yeah, the new iRiver is probably what you want. I chose the iPod because I am a mac user, and re-encoding 13 gigs of AAC back into MP3 is worth some sacrifice. I started this thread because people around here always know of some obscure gadget that solves problems...
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