A couple of questions about the Tascam TSR-8

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A couple of questions about the Tascam TSR-8

Post by mike_relay » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:09 pm

I was looking in the manual of the TSR-8 and I noticed that one of the accessories are LA-40 ( I believe the newer version is LA-40MK) which (to quote the manual) "makes it possible to connect 600-Ohm balanced +4dBm/-20dBm XLR type connectors or 3-conductor 1/4" phone jacks to -10dBV RCA jacks, or vice versa."

Some specs:
Line input impedance: 10 kOhms
Line Output : 100 Ohms

My question is: Do I need this or a similar piece of gear?
It would seem that I could just put some 1/4" and plug this into a mixer that has unbalanced inputs/outputs.

Also.. I was thinking of trying to calibrate it myself following the directions in the manual. Is that a really bad idea?


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Re: A couple of questions about the Tascam TSR-8

Post by red cross » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:57 pm

The TSR8 will work fine with any mixer operating at +4. You'll just need to apply some make up gain at the line input to reach nominal operating levels. Calibrating it yourself is ok, as long as you make sure you have all the right tools to do the job (MRL tape, voltmeters etc). If yer not confident, it might be best to hire somebody who could go through the process with you from start to finish.

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Re: A couple of questions about the Tascam TSR-8

Post by mike_relay » Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:20 pm

I looked into getting an MRL tape, and I found this site:

They list two different tapes: IEC and NAB. What's the difference?
Has anyone seen them anywhere else for cheaper?


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Re: A couple of questions about the Tascam TSR-8

Post by penelec » Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:53 pm

NAB and IEC are two different equalization standards. NAB is the old school way, from I think the mid-'60s. It's basically the same equalization standard used to calibrate machines that ran at 3.75 ips. I'd stick with IEC, as any tech who's up on his books will use IEC, too. It doesn't make a whole lot of difference -- like 3 dB or something -- but why use antiquated methods?

Votemiles is right, though. See if a tech will teach you, or go to an ATR seminar or a weekend at Jackpot. It's touchy to do it from the MRL instructions, though if you're patient and have a reference with which you can A/B it. Good luck! :)


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