DAW reviews or comparions site?

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DAW reviews or comparions site?

Post by rkruz » Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:08 pm

Is there a site that has reviews or at least comparisons of the features of some of the Digital Audio Workstations? I want to do a good comparison before buying.

Im looking for a desktop studio...with integrated multi-track recording software..and that provides for plug-ins for track processing. This for home hobby prosumer level of recording. Usually no more then 2 inputs at any time and recording vocal and guitar over prerecorded backings that would be inserted into a track of the software.

Something like"
- Digidesign M-box
- Lexicon Omega
- Mackie Spike
- EE-Mu 1212
or any others like this.

I want to upgrade from my Soundblaster Live level of recording.


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