? about Yamaha PM-1000 output trannys..

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? about Yamaha PM-1000 output trannys..

Post by blakbeltjonez » Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:09 pm

i've posted this on The Lab board as well, but i know that guys like krash, thedug and tubejay have extensive knowledge about PM-1000 stuff so i figured this is as good a place to post...
i've got a pair of PM-1000 modules that i'm going to be "racking" up (well...they are a bit too long to be racked, i'll have to build an enclosure for them since i don't really want to mutilate anything).

looking at the schematics, everything seems to be pretty straightforward and i tracked down what goes where. but i have a pair of the GA80080 600ohm/600ohm output balancing transformers from the master/monitor modules that i'd like to use for the input modules. i couldn't find a reference to the color-coding in the schematic.

do most trannys have a standard color coding for in/out/ground (i guess in & out don't really matter in a 1:1 transformer)? colors are red, brown, blue, green & black.

any insight would, of course, be greatly appreciated..."
if anyone has any other handy tips i'm all ears - i was also wondering would it be easy to hang an unbalanced output off the output transformer to get the good sound of iron but have the option of unbalanced?


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