Autotune fav?

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Autotune fav?

Post by swingdoc » Tue May 13, 2003 1:12 pm

Hey tape dogs...
whats your favorite auto-tune unit?

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by tiger vomitt » Tue May 13, 2003 7:58 pm

it's like watching a car wreck happen. i just started at it for a while then found myself hitting "reply" :ar15: + :hammer: + :kotzen: = :alien:

personally i use the antares plugin. as much as i hate the damn thing i gotta admit it's usefulness. no new info there i guess. i bet the standalone unit is cooler in a lot of ways. ie i'd be more concious of abusing it improperly.

im curious, is the AT for you or for someone else's voice?

cuz i personally will autotune the crap out of my own voice, while being really apprehensive about using it on other people. hehe im such a hypocrite!

anyway, good luck in your quest for more in tune vocals.


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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by sonariste » Tue May 13, 2003 8:19 pm

autotune 3 antares rtas

graphic mode is the only way.
yes, it sucks.
but , it is invaluable.

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by swingdoc » Tue May 13, 2003 9:31 pm

The AT would be for others, I dont all.
Its pretty funny however, that you'll be more inclined to use it on yourself, but reluctant on others...makes total sense.
I guess I'm just starting to get sick of that person who's just off enough where I hear it (and everyone else), but they dont. Also, the song with great track except that one note that was saggy.
If they are as transparent as they claim, it could be a great tool. If they sound like....ass.....then I wont bother.
I'm not a computer guy, so I'd be looking at the stand alone units, either the TC Helicon models, or the Antares.
Maybe I should/could start singing......"The hills are allliiiive..."

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by tiger vomitt » Tue May 13, 2003 10:24 pm

lol funny

i think that's kinda one of the cool things about pitch correction. it gives us hacks who have absolutely no chance of ever being a singer some sort of chance to at least make something funny. because while it is sort of transparent, once you know the sound of it, it's pretty obvious when you're hearing autotune at work. like how people sometimes use casio beats in regular songs now, or that that "gissur" guy from iceland ( - check out that link it's hilarious).

using a standalone unit with a tape setup would be kinda difficult i imagine. only because from my POV, i rarely use it on whole tracks. i'll usually take the offending words, pop them on a seperate track and autotune that whole track since it just contains the off kilter notes. (sometimes i'll do a whole bass track if the tuning was bad or the intonation was ok but way different than the guitar or something)

you could always put it on an aux send and do a quick fader move when the bad notes come up i guess. seems difficult tho. i wonder how tape peoples do that?

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by Gissur » Wed May 14, 2003 12:08 am

yo, Supagreg aint got but NUUUUUHthAAAANG on ME.


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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by psychicoctopus » Wed May 14, 2003 3:02 am

Has anybody tried autotune on drums? What would that sound like?

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by tommy » Wed May 14, 2003 6:13 am

can the stand alone units be used in graph mode? using the graph mode is really the only way to go if you want auto tune to be un recognizable as autotune. also there is a misconception that if you cant sing, auto tune can help you pass as someone who can. this is sooooo not true. it doesnt work if you are nowhere near the pitch. you have to at least be close.

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autotune or vocoder?

Post by jchris » Wed May 14, 2003 7:06 am

auto tune is ok, but what if i really want to fuck with my voice? i've neer used a vocoder before... how do they work? i think there's a signal to be messed with, and a control signal... ummm. i'm really in the dark about this. i want to do wierd stuff to vocals, something like the new madonna album. autotune isn't quite cutting it for me - i want to do chords and other nasty stuff, and i don't really care about formant accuracy.

any good software vocoders? how do you route the inputs? etc.


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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by spitface » Wed May 14, 2003 7:26 am

i tried using the antares outboard in the studio once. it wasn't too fun. it will only do auto mode as far as i could tell.

graphic mode on the plug-in is pretty damn useful at times. if you're good at it you can make it very very difficult to detect.
i instinctively mix a tuned vocal slightly lower than usual, and i'm pretty quick to run it through some sort of doubler/small chorusing thing/etc. to try and mask it a bit.


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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by swingdoc » Wed May 14, 2003 7:53 am

In terms of cool and crazy vocal effects, an eventide Harmonizer has a huge library of effects which can help you sound like a school of dolphins, and flock of squirrels, a pack of Lou Rawls, a pack of Lou Rawls on acid eating squirrels, or what have you. Has Vocoder algorithms in it. Can get a used h3000 for about $700+. Crazy versatile machine.
These allow pitch shifting but dont have an autotune function and they cant harmonize a scale on doubled vox (say a 3rd above) as far as I can tell.
I was hoping to use the autotune (Perhaps the TC Helicon Voice Prism) as both a vox effects unit, a well as the auototune. How to employ the autotune in an outboard rig is a good question, ideas welcomed!
I was kinda seeing my self having it on a vocals insert, then bypassing the signal until it was needed on a word or phase and"punching in" the processor. If its too noisy, wont be able to do that.
The aux send>>new channel>> play with faders idea, is always available, and might work after some trial and error.

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by tiger vomitt » Wed May 14, 2003 8:46 pm

i've autotuned drums, it didnt really do anything to the sound. it's kind of good at ignoring non-pitched material

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by logancircle » Thu May 15, 2003 10:32 am

Does Ben Folds use pitch correction on his vocals? When he's changing notes it often sounds like he's moving between discreet halfstep intervals. Either that or he's actually trained his voice to be totally chromatic, which I can't imagine is possible. Does anyone hear this?

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by tiger vomitt » Thu May 15, 2003 11:50 am

i dont know what ben folds does but i wanted to add that it's autotune on the newer madonna stuff. i dont think that is a vocoder or any other kind of effect. i dont know if it is the brand name AT or what. (someone up there had mentioned he wanted that kind of effect)

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Re: Autotune fav?

Post by wing » Thu May 15, 2003 12:14 pm

tiger vomitt wrote:it's like watching a car wreck happen. i just started at it for a while then found myself hitting "reply" :ar15: + :hammer: + :kotzen: = :alien:
yea, and that would have been easy to prevent if the tapeop board wasn't so FASSSSSSST!!


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