Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

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Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by endupok » Wed May 14, 2003 7:20 am

I am trying to decide on a multi-pattern large diaphragm condensor in the $300 range (street price). Availability has narrowed it down to a SP C3 and a AT 4050. I will be using this for vocals, amps, acoustic gtr and possibly drums in a digital environment.

At the crossroads seeking guidance. Has anyone used both these mics? Any comparative wisdom you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks. :roll:

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by Randy » Wed May 14, 2003 7:29 am

I haven't tried either of those, but in that price range, I have used (and own) a CAD M179 and an M39 (less high end of the two), which are multi-pattern (continuously dial-able) large D condensers. They compare favorably to my C414, a bit more character and more flattering to vocals. The M39 can really make male vocals sound good.

Has anyone out there been able to compare these CADs to the C3 and the 4050?


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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by endupok » Wed May 14, 2003 8:07 am

Thanks. This will be my first condenser mic so I am going on personal recommendations and Sound on Sound reviews. Just read up on the M179. Sounds like a good mic. The continuous pattern dialing is interesting. I didn't even know that existed.

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by EasyGo » Wed May 14, 2003 8:22 am

endupok wrote:so I am going on personal recommendations and Sound on Sound reviews.
Not to get off the point, but I think people's opinions on boards like this one are far more valuable than audio mag reviews. I dig SOS and visit their board occasionally, but it was an SOS review that helped me make the brilliant decision to buy an ART 'tube' compressor :cry:

Good luck mic shopping and report back with your findings!

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by endupok » Wed May 14, 2003 8:32 am

You mean the Levelar! I got one of those. And guess where I read about it. It is not so bad if you don't use the preamp too much, but I am now wary of any so-called 'tube' products, for sure. Anyways, we diverge...

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by eeldip » Wed May 14, 2003 9:06 am

the C series studio projects stuff is pretty colored sounding. great sometimes obnoxious other times.

the AT is a little more neutral. so might be more useful for a wide variety of things.

the mulitpattern B series studio projects mic also sounds pretty good (although i have only played with the B1, so i cant give specific advice). also way cheaper that the ones you listed...

personally i would say, if you didnt have the chance to audition them, go for a neutral, general purpose mic if you dont have many mics. then save up for nice colored mics later...

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by endupok » Wed May 14, 2003 9:32 am

Yeah, this is the impression I got from my Internet reading. So, do the B series mics sound less colored than the C series?

My other problem is I currently don't own an EQ so I would be adding EQ 'coloring' after the signal was tracked (in Nuendo). I've gotten the impression that this is not as effective as EQing the singnal on it's way into the computer. Does this contention hold water?

Good stuff, thanks!

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by eeldip » Wed May 14, 2003 10:07 am

i wouldnt worry about that eqing issue. i think as a beginner you are better off doing your eqing later. even if you could get some marginally better performance out of an outboard eq.

there are a lot of multipattern LD mics out there. let me give you my stock advice.

if you cant audition or borrow mics to figure out which ones you like, you should base your purchasing decision on which mic you can find for the best deal. you should consider your purchase a long term audition. and if you end up not being happy with the mic you can sell it to another person for not much of a loss (or any loss at all).

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by DeafinONEear » Wed May 14, 2003 11:19 am

I don't know much about the C3, but I have heard the 4050's in a Blumein and all I have to say is w.o.w.! That was the most accurate capturing of a live performance (Brass Monkey Brass Band) I've heard in years and they are next on my list after an m130.

And I'm willing to believe that the 4050's will have much more of a resale value than the C3's.

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by assfortress » Thu May 15, 2003 8:29 am

ive got a c1 and the 4050, and love them both. im assuming the c3 sounds some what similar to the c1. i actually use the two for drum over heads sometimes. the c1 is colored but its definitly not a bad coloration. I agree with what eeldip said. get whatever you can for a good price.

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Re: Studio Projects C3 or AT 4050?

Post by endupok » Thu May 15, 2003 10:44 am

:D I took the plunge. :D

Thank you all for your input. I found a good deal on an at4050 in the Harmony Central classifieds that was near me (no shipping) and went and got it today. Can't wait to get it home.

Here's to informed decisions!

Thanks again.


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