recording help

general questions, comments and ideas about recording, audio, music, etc.
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Re: recording help

Post by endofanera » Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:29 pm

cedric wrote:here the thing:
how can i record all of it myself?
i don't really want to get to involved with programming click-tracks,- i'd rather just play.

what order should i start in (i don't mind time-stretches/it not being perfectly "in time")?
Jeez, so many possibilities. What kinda stuff are you playing? What kinda arrangements/instruments you thinking of using? You say you'll be recording all of it yrself, but what instruments can you play or will you be playing for this recording?

A'course, one usually starts by recording "rhythm" tracks first, drums and bass in most traditional rock/pop settings, but if you're gonna go all Stevie Wonder and do everything yrself, then starting with drums might not be best if that's not yr primary instrument and you havent thought of the songs in terms of their drum parts yet. If I were in yr shoes, being a decent but not great drummer, I'd prolly record the bassline first in most cases and then try to play along with that when overdubbing all the other parts. But that's just me and that's far from hard and fast. It would prolly matter at least as much what instrument drove the song.

So yeah, mebbe more info would help.
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Mr Roboto

Post by kylethompson » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:47 pm

I, for one, am very interested in facilitating the production of Robot Rock. Tell us what mics you have and we may tell you where to put them.

Start with, I would lay down a scratch guitar and then play drums to it, but that's just me. And when you record the drums, place multiple mics around the kit and use your mixer to mix those mic signals to the two tracks that you have alloted for the drums.

Lets hear what equipment you have.
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