The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by joeysimms » Tue Oct 14, 2003 1:03 pm

The rudeness is simply right back at your rudeness. Everytime you drop one of your opinions, it's always "here's my opinion, and you can think whatever you want, but what's the point, i'm right, there's no debate, etc.." Fucking outtakes of bad beats, like I really want to sit through that, what's the fucking point, when the record sounds fine? I've heard plenty of Stones outtakes, and all I notice is they wisely kept the bad shit in the can..
Are you really given to believe that Mick and Keith feel held back by their drummer? What fucking stupidity to even open open yer trap about it. This coming from a guy who idolizes Bonham and Zeppelin 4, yet can't even make the leap to see how much "Rock N' Roll" is an homage to Little Richard (and Earl Palmer, by default). This has gone on and on with you, Dave, the all-knowing baddass, and you always cry foul when it's trown back at you. It does suck to be you..

And I've no disdain whatsoever when you share something useful, but you don't believe that.


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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by scarygroover » Tue Oct 14, 2003 1:53 pm

I love the story that Charlie Watts punched Mick in the face once and followed it with " Don't you ever call me your drummer, you are MY lead singer" too funny.

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by harvey » Tue Oct 14, 2003 3:03 pm

charlie watts has character
which makes up for lack of chops
he once was ona tv jazz show along with 2 other drummers
the singer(cleo laine) number was the drummer
they all took turns at a solo
when his turn came it sounded like he dropped his sticks
he's like the dylan of drumming
how could someone this bad
sound so good
his eccentric fills are integeral to the stones sound
also he blames it on keith who he says he follows
not the other way around
it's original
danceable(most of the time)

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by vvv » Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:55 pm

Back to the topic of the thread (all you arseholes should start yer own: this is about the Stones!):

I frequently cite the two, count 'em two, versions of Exile available on CD. (not counting the SACD version, if it's out) to my recording friends. Maybe that means all y'all...

The first vesion is the oldest, and sounds pretty close to the vinyl record that Steve Wynn called "the Bible" of rock and roll. It's a frequency-smeared mess, the vocals are about inaudible, and it sounds very stoned live, and Stonesey, basically defining the band at the time, and aimed for by numerous later bands. Could ya tell I love it?

Then there is the second version, "cleaned up", re-mixed, and in a fancy over-sized CD sleeve with the original artwork (oh how I wish I had kept those postcards from the vinyl!) When you listen in headphones, it is an education in mixing, panning and bleed. For example, I love how when Mick (Taylor) or Keith take a solo the gate opens or the fader is brought up, and the center of the track moves toward wherever the soloist is located. And you can actually hear the lyrics to "Turd on the Run"! And "Sweet Viginia", et al. You can even hear the vocal parts in "Happy."

But when it comes down to it, give me the first version every time. (I hope that someone simply remasters the original mixes at some point!)

Then there are all those stories about Dr. John and Patti LaBelle and others performing and not getting credit, Keef's blood changes, John's coke, the history of the chateau, "Sweet Black Angel" being about Angela Davis...

Maybe someday I'll ramble about Sticky Fingers...

Oh, and sorry about the "arseholes" comment, but this thread is about the Stones!
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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by heylow » Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:45 pm


I have the fancy oversized one and I don't think I've heard the other.

Interesting comments, indeed....and by the way, go ahead and ramble about Sticky Fingers!


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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by stillafool » Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:57 pm

there was an article on sticky fingers about a month ago in computer music or something. 57s on the guitar amps, a universal audio console, a lot of smack/vibe (I don't know if they had gotten into speedballing yet). Electric guitars sure used to sound better, before parametric eqs, digital level maximizers, and all that bullshit.

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by tactics » Thu Oct 16, 2003 12:22 am

Kyle wrote:Dave

Have you ever seen Cocksucker Blues? An art house video store has it here in Portland but the deposite is 200.00 and I have that kind of luck.
did Goddard do this on also. I know the Stones hate it because it show too much of the true colors of the Stones.
Cocksucker Blues was filmed on the 1972 North American tour and shot by Robert Frank.I bought a bootleg at a record fair a few years back for $20AU.
For collectors only, as it is quite boring.Mostly behind the scenes stuff.There is some Muscle Shoals studio footage on Gimme Shelter, the 1969 tour film.(8 trk 1" i beleive)Much more interesting, Keith listening to the freshly recorded Brown Sugar.
cleantone wrote:
Microphone Case, Black, Plastic N/A $30.00
What is this case like? I've been thinking about getting one.

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by Kyle » Thu Oct 16, 2003 8:08 am

Thanks Tactics

I've almost bought CSB a couple of times, gald I didn't. I do need to pick up Gimme Shelter, Criterion has a version of that.

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by stevemoss » Thu Oct 16, 2003 8:10 am

Taking Charlie Watts' drumming to task is completely overlooking the entire "thing" with the Rolling Stones:

They are not a polished band. There's raggedness on all sides, but the way the beat and everything breathe are half of what makes their music as successful as it is. I like to describe Danny Elfman's music as "barely controlled chaos", and I think that description applies equally well to the Stones. Keith Richards has described the recording of Gimme Shelter, where the guitar he'd used disintegrated at the end of the album take - the neck physically detached from the body. The band's indulgences, though - especially in studio situations - are likely much more responsible for technical difficulties and blown takes than are members' underdeveloped skills. There's surely a "lightning in a bottle" aspect to the Stones in the studio, but the songs breathe in a way they just wouldn't if you had Charlie Watts play to a click or put Keith through detox for a bunch of months.

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Re: The Stones...Exile On Sticky Fingers....whaddaya know?

Post by A.David.MacKinnon » Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:43 am

Cocksucker Blues while not a very good film is worth every penny for the footage of a young Stevie Wonder rocking the shit out of the Uptight/Satisfaction meddly. I wouldn't want to go on stage after that, even if I was in the Rolling Stones


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