Opinions on UAD-1 cards?

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Jesse Skeens
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Re: Opinions on UAD-1 cards?

Post by Jesse Skeens » Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:43 pm

check out the uad forum for the files, look for the thread entitled "daking vs pultec"

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Re: Opinions on UAD-1 cards?

Post by joey » Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:55 pm


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Re: Opinions on UAD-1 cards?

Post by NewAndImprov » Mon Apr 19, 2004 9:13 pm

I have one and love it! I can usually get enough instances of plugins out of it to cover a mix, though I have to think about how many channels of compression I *really* need. I'll usually compress the Kick and Snare with the 1176, then buss all the drums through an LA2A. Guitars through LA2A's are very nice, as are horns.

Dreamverb is very nice, though lately I'm using Logic's new reverb more. I'm still getting my head wrapped around the Pultec, I find I tend to overuse it, and then have to back off after listening to a mix for a few days. I don't have the Fairchild, and probably won't get it unless someone convinces me otherwise. Also, the Nigel doesn't do much for me, but I *really* like the phasor that is included in it.

I use it in Logic, which compensates for plugin latency on individual channels, but not on busses. But the UAD delay compensation plugin makes it pretty easy to deal with, you just have to buss everything through the delay comp. plug to make the tracks line up.

The compressors alone make this thing worth it. I have no better comps at my disposal, hardware or software.

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Re: Opinions on UAD-1 cards?

Post by tiger vomitt » Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:05 pm

the fairchild is as good as the 1776LN or la2a (i like the 1176 better but most people seem to dig the la2a a lot). probably better than both.. it's a much different flavor than the 1176 or la2a they've got. quite good yes. i havent bought it yet cuz im still rockin the demo :D

i feel kinda like a tool hyping their stuff but i actually like it.

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Re: Opinions on UAD-1 cards?

Post by chris harris » Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:34 pm

Honestly the thing does have a bit of a cultish following....

The only detractors I've seen are the Bomb Factory loyalists and sales people.

I've tried them both and both are great.... but, there's no question in my mind which ones are the most useful for the way I work.


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