What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by nacho459 » Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:44 pm

joeysimms wrote: Do you own that record? How is it?
Yeah, It's great. I buy any record I see with a Capital U47 on it. (Kingston Trio, etc) It's really cool because it's an album where they experiment with studio techniques, rather than just capturing a performance. It's kinda pop lounge, and mostly instrumental.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by Girl Toes » Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:02 pm

Yeah, so it doesn't get bumped or knocked over was what i always thought.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by chetatkinsdiet » Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:50 pm

It's the tube/heat thing. Since guys always did it that way before, even when SS mics came in, they continued as that's what everyone was used to. Now guys like us that are too young to be working when tubes were all you had think there's some magic reason and we all do it to.

Call me a dork, but it reminds me of a story I heard on the Food Network on a cooking show a while back. The host was talking about the way we cook, ect. He said that someone in a crowd one time was talking about cooking a ham. She said that she always cuts the ends off of the ham first. He asked her why. She didn't know, but said that her mother did and that's the way she learned. So, she went back home, called her mother and asked. Her mom said, "I'm not sure either...that's just the way my mom always cooked them and I figured she knew best." So, they call Granny on the phone. They ask her and she started laughing. Once she calmed down a bit, they asked what's so funny. She said, "the reason I cut the ends off the ham is because my pan was too short for a full sized ham."

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by Slider » Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:07 pm

I don't know but I'd like to turn that girl upside down.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by sonikbliss » Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:20 pm

chetatkinsdiet wrote: We are creatures of habit.....

:lol: Yeah, I've always done this, just because it was how I was taught, and never once even thought why. :lol:

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by Family Hoof » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:12 pm

When I was taught this way I made sure to ask why. Why? why? why? is what my apprenticeship was all about. :wink: As engineers, people who use scientific knowlege to solve practical problems, we should always ask why. Way to go, wing! I'm not trying to put anyone down here, just making a point.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by andyg666 » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:16 pm

for voice-over recording i position mics upside down, a few inches above the singer's mouth and angled down towards the mouth. this pretty much eliminates the need for a pop filter and keeps whatever spittle is coming out of the talent's mouth off of the mic. i have done this for rap recording too, but not usually on singers...

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by Spark » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:11 pm

hammertime wrote:I read somewhere that it's the easiest way to position the mic so that it's over the vocalist. Supposedly, when the singer's head is tilted up, that's when they're larynx is most relaxed, and that's when they sing better. Some people even suggest lying on your back on the floor. I haven't noticed any difference.
Works for Lemmy of Motorhead.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by swingdoc » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:21 pm

Funny, I always thought it was to prevent the body of the mic from interfering with the sound coming up from the chest and throat of the singer.
Kinda like putting a guitar amp up on a chair..

Whatever. Grandma, cut the ham.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by wayne kerr » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:27 pm

Slider wrote:I don't know but I'd like to turn that girl upside down.
I already did. Wasn't all that. Wing's mom was way better. Oh wait, sorry, is this general? OK, forget I ever said anything about Wing's mom.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by maz » Sun Dec 05, 2004 7:45 am

hammertime wrote:I read somewhere that it's the easiest way to position the mic so that it's over the vocalist. Supposedly, when the singer's head is tilted up, that's when they're larynx is most relaxed, and that's when they sing better.
That's actually bad voice technique- but a lot of pop singers think it's good. Phil Collins does too.

I put the mic upside down because it's the only way my lame cheap pop filter will reach the capsule. It's one of those with the cheap bendy wire.

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by slyon » Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:43 pm

Is that Keri Noble in the black & white photo by chance?

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by superg » Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:00 am

some very interesting thoughts.... Ive always put large capsule condensers cap down,on an angle(60 degrees?)-so i can benefit from a mics proximity effect,while allowing some chest wind to pass beneath,the mic. I know that sounds er,crazy,after seeing some earlier posts ! peaceG

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Re: What is the reason for hanging vocal mics upside down?

Post by Professor » Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:03 am


These are some terrific responses.

I personally always go with the simplest explanation which was wonderfully demonstrated in the second picture (with the other girl)....

So the singer can see the lyrics on the music stand!

Now don't get me wrong, all those other reasons are valid to a certain extent.
Yes tubes generate heat, and rising heat can effect the diaphragm. But then wouldn't all tube mics need to be upside down no matter what?
The weight is a huge factor, and it is easier to keep a mic in position when gravity is helping rather than hurting your efforts. But that is true of any heavy mic, regardless of what instrument is being recorded.

I'm sure that if you go back there is some other history as well. When recording studios picked up sound through horns, fed it through plumbing, and onto a disc, the plumbing was hanging from the ceiling so there would be room for the musicians. When radio announcers had to operate a board or read from their desk while speaking, the microphones would be hung on a boom much as they are today.

And yes, we are creatures of habit, and if Granny's oven is too small for that ham...



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