What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by djimbe » Mon Jan 05, 2004 4:57 am

Hmmm...it was the 4th by the time I left the studio....Retracked 3 tunes I did with one of my music partners last weekend. Put the drums in isolation this time and ran the mics through the Altec 1220 before going to tape. RNC for the kick and JoeMeek SC2.2 for the 2 OH's. Just those 3 mics and sounding better than other setups. One of the OH's was a Peluso SD and one was a Coles 4038 and they really complimented one another.

and I finally recognized my limitations and played to a click, and I'd do it again too...SO GET OF MY BACK MAN! I don't suck all the time...somedays...
I thought this club was for musicians. Who let the drummer in here??

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by inverseroom » Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:10 am

In an effort to control the environment of my basement studio, I figured out how to heat it cheaply--I suddenly realized that I could chop a hole in one of those big ass heating ducts I always bump my head on. I made a hell of a racket and cut my hand, but now there's a little 4" pipe sticking out with a grate on the end, and the studio is pretty much at a constant 60 degrees, give or take a few. Which means the dehumidifier works better. Which means the gear is less likely to dew out.

Also I transferred some short songs from my Yamaha QY22 and QY70 to my 16-track for future overdubbing. Any of you ever use these little machines? They are unbelievable. The QY70 is by far my favorite gadget of 2003.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by bigtoe » Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:31 am

worked on mixing a project in nuendo...watched my pal try to line up tracks for 2 hours and read an old copy of tape op while thinking about which studio to go to to bring all the tracks in together....discovered 'magneto' i think it's called...cool plug in for bass...searched for something remotely natural for a vocal delay...hated all things snare and guitar.

the present and future of recording is rad... i really do dig the computer...it's completely nuts.


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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by sad iron » Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:35 am

Finished moving my 'studio' to another part of the apartment and then wokred on a track for the covers record I'm doing for fun. Last night it was aux percussion and more ac guitar for 'I Guess the Lord Must Be in NYC'.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by Rodgre » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:35 am

On my day off, I rehearsed for an upcoming show of local "all stars" doing a tribute to Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen Image

I woodshed 20 Petty songs pretty much off the top of my head, which is scary. Got a cool sitar sound out of an Ibanez AF-9....

Today, I record an experimental prog group called Oblique. A teenage stick player who will blow your mind.


P.S. West coast drummers? Larry, tell Josh Freese that the Grand Maha Roger said hello.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by justinf » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:42 am

Recorded lead vox, Moog/Nord synthy bits, backing vox, and an absolutely smashed-to-shit guitar solo. Local band Tyre Fyre, good stuff. Very productive day/evening.

Beyond that, slept in a bit, had sunday brunch with the fam, went and bought groceries. Good day.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by the velour fog » Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:24 am

worked with a good friend of mine. we "wrote" 3 songs, which i tracked to my 424, then burned that on to cd, to work on lyrics while i froze outside smoking a cigarette. we had a high of about 9 degrees!

my setup is about as bargain basement as it gets...but i'm learning more everytime i record. I'm finally learning that i don't have to stick the damn mic in the soundhole of the guitar or right up on the grill, so backing the mics up and getting a much nicer sound.

tried to program a beat in my drummachine.

looked for a banjo on ebay.
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by apropos of nothing » Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:37 am

A couple different people dropped over to share the love, one way or another. One wanted help with his computer, one wanted to hang out and chat. Both were nice.

Returned a video game. Had coffee and a financial pow-wow with the lady.

Went home and transferred some MIDI drum tracks to audio. Working on a solo project right now. Good fun. Just got a Roland TD-7. The drum samples on here, while not perfect, are far better than anything I had.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by MoreSpaceEcho » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:31 am

edited vocals with my singer, which at this point means i hand the mouse over to her and let her do it. makes her happy and i can just sit there and smoke and give opinions. ah the life of a producer. :D

we went and got japanese food, then i returned to the 'studio' . had a client over, i spent all saturday night finishing up a mix for him, yesterday was the big playback. he was stoked, which was good because in my humble opinion the mix was perfect and i didn't want to change a thing. he made me take out one note and i even gave him a hard time about that. haha. after that i edited some live stuff for him. if there's any john medeski fans out there, one of the songs i edited had him playing mellotron and i have to say it was absolutely some of the most amazing stuff i've ever heard. completely otherworldly.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by Slingset » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:44 am

hey bigtoe - i think you'll dig nuendo! It's the shit.

I sat infront of two monitors all weekend tweaking (the sounds that is), and drumming my butt off - got 5 drums tracks done for new tunes for our new album. They sound good!

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by cgarges » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:51 am

molokoplus wrote:this post just kinda makes me feel good. it's like yelling across the street to your neighbor to see how they're doing.
That's sort of the idea. Thanks. I do this every once in a while (I imagine a search for "what did you work on" should turn up most of the others) and get really intersting results. The most interesting for me is that people continue to post for DAYS after the date mentioned, but there are some really entertaining comments, too. I just like seeing the different elements that people list. You know, some people are wiring new/old Neve consoles, some people are moving their project studios because they're moving in with their girlfriend, some people are trying to recover stuff from their crashed computer, some people are backing up stuff from their session that day with Bjork's band, some people are eating a sandwich and watching "Court TV." I think this stuff is great. Really puts things in perspective. Glad you like it.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by antilog » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:57 am

left home for work at 6am and got home from work at 9pm.
hit the sack shortly thereafter to do it all again today (for the 5th day in a row)

mad OT = that much closer to my dream
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by Bear » Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:19 am

You know Bear, that reminds me--I did a session today with some guys who recently did a gig in the Virgin Islands. They told me that when they were there, they "saw some wild ass shit." Then they "saw some wild ass." Turns out they were walking along and stumbled (not literally) across some huge piles of donkey turd out in the wilderness. Then they saw the donkeys. So they really did see some wild ass shit, follwed by some wild ass. They should probably write a song about it.
Any song with "Ass" is in it will be awesome. Guarunteed. The only things I would change: Make "We saw some wild ass," into "We saw some wild ass ass." More "asses" = more genius.
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 1-04-04

Post by Kevin Kitchel » Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:27 am


mixed 6 originals, plus a Kreator cover. \m/


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