Bose -- weird or not?

general questions, comments and ideas about recording, audio, music, etc.

Bose audio systems?

Undecided / Uninformed
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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by ape32 » Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:39 am

Skeeter -

I don't know anyone from OH anymore! That was in the late 80's. I kinda "cut my teeth" playing that club tho so it pops into my head every now and again.

_ A

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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by SKEETER » Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:00 pm

I think Ron has been playing the dayton area for a long time, I met him when he and I were both commuting to cowtown (aka columbus) to play in a band

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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by trashy » Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:22 pm

jajjguy wrote:guys, guys. i'm as much of an audio snob as you, but i challenge any of you to show me a boombox with the same dimensions as the bose wave radio that can fill a large room as well without cranking the volume. also, note that it's really loved by (and marketed toward) classical and jazz listeners.
I let this comment slide by earlier today, but all day long it's been like sand in my panties.

Who gives a flying dutchman what jazz and classical guys like to listen to? I don't mean to be a prick or anything, but I find the idea that fans of one type of music have some sort of of genetic predisposition or learned response to "good" sounds to be pretentious and condescending.

The Bose Waveradio is to my home stereo what a GuitarPod is to my amp.

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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by SKEETER » Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:21 am

Actually, back when the audiophile craze was going full tilt, most of the audiophiles were indeed classical music fans. Some were rock fans, some other styles, and toward the end of the rock era, all styles of music were being incorporated into rock music.
I don't listen to jazz, I write and perform rock era music, and I do listen to classical music. The plain fact is, lets face it, more intense and complex forms of music such as Jazz and Classical do draw people who listen to music a little more intently and a little differently than those that listen to say, rap, punk, or metal.
Back when rock was happening full tilt, and bands were turning to experimantal sounds and playing with the stereo realm a bit more during production (an art that has been lost in the shuffle), having a very nice pair of speakers meant something. Bose was indeed worth the money at that time ( as are some bose products now) because they were doing things to enhance what engineers and producers were doing with music.
Now that music production has become somewhat less of an art and more of a generic craft, having audiophile gear is less of a benefit.
As far as Wave radios go, they are amazing , no doubt about it.
If you are not just a casual listener, and you are someone that actually sits backs, closes their eyes, and listens to all the magic going on in music, then audiophile gear such as what Bose produces is indeed of benefit.
I realize not everyone that listens to music is a critical listener, and that is fine, get from music what you need from it for your happiness. But, those that do listen to music more critically, and hear something that others do not want companies like Bose around.

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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by trashy » Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:04 am

skeeter, I don't think we should post on the same thread anymore. I pretty much I disagreed with every single word you just posted. I'm afraid if our posts accidentally touch, we might annihilate one another like matter and anti-matter.

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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by SKEETER » Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:15 am

I would never even consider demanding that someone else take part in or respond to a thread I am active in.

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Re: Bose -- weird or not?

Post by trashy » Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:20 pm

SKEETER wrote:I would never even consider demanding that someone else take part in or respond to a thread I am active in.
what's with all of the threatening phone calls then? and standing on my lawn at 3a.m. shouting at my window "you better respond, bucko!"? You're a freakaloo.


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