Behringer drops to unseen lows!

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by JGriffin » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:20 pm

DryCounty wrote: Boy, it seems that BOSS really is a sacred cow around these parts!
This place has a few sacred cows...this is the first time I've seen Boss accused of being one.
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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by nacho459 » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:21 pm

tony moore wrote:how many of you guys are using neve, api, la2a, tele, strat, jazz bass, p-bass, les paul copies, and/or a host of other "similar" or "inspired" gear?
I think it kinda falls into that whole 30% change for visual art. The AEA logo is reminesent to the RCA logo, but if you put them side by side they are really different.

As far as Neve, 1176, and LA2A remakes they began when they were no longer manufactured by their original company. I know the LA2A is public domain, and everyone who makes LA2A's puts their own twist on them especially visually. I can tell "neve, api, la2a, tele, strat, jazz bass, p-bass, les paul copies, and/or a host of other "similar" or "inspired" gear" from the originals from over five feet away. but these Behringer petals are like the Folex watches people sell on street corners. To me these are not remakes, or even clones, they are counterfit pedals.

I have many original Japanese Boss pedals that are thrashed and still work like day one. I want to see how many if any of these Behringer pedals are around in five years.

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by jmiller » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:24 pm

dubold wrote:They can't be any worse than the danelectro stuff.
Maybe, but i've got an old Danelectro DM25 tube amp from the late 60's that's absolutely killer. KILLER, I tell you!

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by DryCounty » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:37 pm

nacho459 wrote:
tony moore wrote:how many of you guys are using neve, api, la2a, tele, strat, jazz bass, p-bass, les paul copies, and/or a host of other "similar" or "inspired" gear?
I have many original Japanese Boss pedals that are thrashed and still work like day one. I want to see how many if any of these Behringer pedals are around in five years.
We shall see, indeed. I'm sure they're not even stage worthy.

I was at practice with my old band once and there was this neon orange pedal lying on the drummers piano that looked exactly like a cheap Ibanez Soundtank clone, only it was orange. When I asked him what it was, he said he got it from Wal-Mart for like $20. The name escapes me (he actually ripped off the sticker to hide his shame), but it turns out that it was the exact same manufacturing facility (and likely parts) that went into the Soundtank pedals -- not that this should matter, most of those pedals were worth about that much.

Re: these being "counterfeit pedals" -- the only way this statement can be true is if you were to try one and see. C'mon -- I dare you!


Matter of fact, the next Oblique Strategies challenge/game should be to record something with one of these pedals.
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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by Fieryjack » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:44 pm

All I can say is that Boss has been charging $125 for their delay pedal for too long. I'd try one.

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by jmiller » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:48 pm

You know, if those things are that cheap, i'm buying two "metal Tones", tearing them apart and mounting them in a rack so i can have a stereo metal zone for my Electribe ES1. Yeeeeaaaahhh!

It does seem like a pretty cheap shot, though.

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by psychicoctopus » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:55 pm

when copycat manufacturers dominate the market with cheap knockoff goods, how can original designers afford to recoup their money spent on R&D?
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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by DryCounty » Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:01 pm

psychicoctopus wrote:when copycat manufacturers dominate the market with cheap knockoff goods, how can original designers afford to recoup their money spent on R&D?
They don't -- and that's when the whores move in.

Seriously, I think companies survive based on competition like this. One pimply faced teen buying a $25 pedal means that if he likes it, he's going to see what more are like, enhance his tone, etc.. And he's going to work it out and buy a few more, and before long he's turned into a 32 year old with a closet full of gear that he hides from his wife. Oh wait a minute ...
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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by misterock » Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:49 pm

Hey! You've got to keep the gear out in the open, like, in the living room!

Yeah, Wal-mart, China. Costco, China. Target, China. Bearinger, China. Fuck them all! That is what will put our ENTIRE country out of business, not just our beloved gear business.

Who owns Behringer? Who sells the most? GC, Sam Ash?

We need to boycott GC. We need to turn GC into K-Mart, well, really, they are doing it to themselves. The problem is, so many people are suckers and want to keep up with the Jones'. It's a quantity over quality America, even Green Day, with a good concept, "American Idiot", is capitalizing on the idiots. Laughing to the bank.

Note my chosen photo on the left. That's what needs to happen. Fuck them all, but can you pay $25 for a pair of underwear?

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by tony moore » Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:51 pm

nacho459 wrote:I have many original Japanese Boss pedals that are thrashed and still work like day one. I want to see how many if any of these Behringer pedals are around in five years.
my point exactly! don't pay attention to the stuff, don't buy it and they prolly won't make it! i'm sure they're LOVING that we're all talking about their fx!

i absolutely HATE how much cheap crap is being made today that will be in a landfill somewhere within a week. and not just music stuff, everything. the world economy (thanks to we mighty americans) is now dependent on consumerism. but the money mongers and power brokers are too fuggin cataritic to see it's just completely self destructive.


behringer should have kept making things like the composer, autocom, and multicom. the dangs things were fairly original in their purpose, didn't sound that awful and actually worked...

now we've got fender and even boutique builders having guitars made in korea so we can all buy $100 strats in all the colors to match our chinese made underwear we wear while we bitch to indians somewhere that our $300 dell isn't working...

as long as it's cheap, who the hell cares what consumerism is doing to everything and everyone?

i'm sorry guys, this hit a sore spot...

back to lurk mode...

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by Rick Hunter » Sun Jan 23, 2005 7:09 pm

I am totally gonna buy one.

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by nacho459 » Sun Jan 23, 2005 7:49 pm

Fieryjack wrote:All I can say is that Boss has been charging $125 for their delay pedal for too long. I'd try one.
That's why God invented pawn shops. DD-3 = $40

misterock wrote:Yeah, Wal-mart, China. Costco, China. Target, China. Bearinger, China. Fuck them all!
I shop at Sears.

Honestly. We all need to to think about how we spend out money. I am so sick of people bitching that Wal-Mart is destroying their towns mom and pop stores when they themselves shop at Wal-Mart. It's like they don't realize if they stop supporting the local shops they will eventually close. If you don't care so be it, but don't complain when you have no other options but Wal-Mart.

Best Buy moved into town and every one ditched the indie record shops and they all closed down. And now everyone complains that they have to buy CD's at Best Buy. WTF? When you make your bed you gotta lie in it. We got to wise up, if we all start buying plastic crap then we'll be left with only plastic crap.

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by misterock » Sun Jan 23, 2005 7:59 pm

Nacho, you are correct. Is Sears any better? Last time I looked, they were trying to extort me for some "Account Protection". My undies have holes, no joke.

I have some $$$, but I'm not giving it to WM, Sears, McD, BB. Fuck them. I'd rather steal!

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by Scodiddly » Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:19 pm

Well, if Boss did indeed license these copies...

Actually I could see this as a smart move by Roland/Boss. Those guys do tend to think very long term, and that's where the Behringer clones will help. Kids will get used to the Behringer clones being kind of shitty, easily broken... and they'll start saving their dollars to buy "originals" with the Boss logo. Boss has probably lost a fair amount of market share to the boutique pedal market, not to mention the modelling craze.

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Re: Behringer drops to unseen lows!

Post by jmiller » Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:03 am

nacho459 wrote:I am so sick of people bitching that Wal-Mart is destroying their towns mom and pop stores when they themselves shop at Wal-Mart.
I remember when i lived in thousand oaks and Circuit City built a store there on a previously vacant field. It seemed not one person wasn't outraged that they were erecting this "ugly" building in such a nice area. Opening day, the lot was full of cars. Looks like everyone went to protest and left with a new tv.

This doesn't seem all that unpredictable. The market is getting more and more flooded with cheap garbage for the uneducated amateurs, most of whom have more money to spend than we do because they aren't trying to make a living in this business- they're Weekend Warriors, mostly. We can only hope that the companies that still make good stuff stay afloat, and we can help them by supporting them. That and of course one day, Chinese labor will not be so cheap. They can't be the world's bitches forever.

And once again i'm going to mention my fabulous Danelectro DM25 amp (third time today). This lovely little monster was built as a low budget alternative to the Fender Twin in the mid 60's and was sold in department stores like Sears. It's a lovely tube amp with the weirdest and most out there reverb i've ever heard, and is point to point wired. Even though it was "cheap" back then, i reckon that 40 years from now, the Fenders and even Voxes that are selling in GC right now with their built in dsp and amp modeling are going to hold up as well as this little guy has. Even cheap back then was better than "good" is now.


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