other recording magazines that you guys read?

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george martin
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Re: other recording magazines that you guys read?

Post by antilog » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:35 am

I like SOS, but do not like the $60 subscription.

the only mag I sub to is TapeOp. Recording mag seems OK - I bought some back issues for the Scott Dorsey articles, which are very informative and instructional.

can't stand "news" mags
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Re: other recording magazines that you guys read?

Post by apropos of nothing » Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:49 am

'Nother plug for Signal To Noise. Picked it up recently and it was a great read.

Also dug on StopSmiling ( http://www.stopsmilingonline.com/ ), which is apparently "the magazine for high-minded lowlifes". heheh.

Also picked up a really interesting design magazine, Zing Magazine. Fifteen bucks gets you a sealed end-table sized magazine of some of the best art I've seen. Couple of interviews, reviews, and a helluva lot of some of the more interesting art I've seen for awhile. Oh, and it came with an interesting ambient CD.

The other recording mags all suck uniformly. Anyone who knows me will find it ironic that if I'm forced by boredom to read a recording magazine other that TapeOp, It'll pr'y be Mix. Gah.

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Re: other recording magazines that you guys read?

Post by antilog » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:17 am

I'd like to see more theory and philosophy in the mags. Tired of name dropping of artists and gear.
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Re: other recording magazines that you guys read?

Post by NewAndImprov » Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:01 pm

I like Grooves magazine (http://www.groovesmag.com/. It's sort of the Tape Op of experimental electronic music. It's not free, but at $12 for a years sub (4 issues) it's still way cheap, and very readable.

Also, I've read The Wire for like 10-12 years, but, honestly, I'm kinda getting tired of their "more avante than you" attitude. Still, it does tend to have the best music writing of any mag.

Sound on Sound is cool, but I only pick up about 2 issues a year, I just can't see subscribing.

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Re: other recording magazines that you guys read?

Post by object88 » Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:34 pm

In the past, I've read Keyboard (piss poor), Electronic Musician (decent), and Sound On Sound (excellent). I stopped reading SOS due to the greater trend towards computers, and less towards hardware. Well, that, and I managed to get over my synth GAS. That doesn't lessen the fact that it's a well written magazine. I do miss the home studio improvement articles and such. (Wouldn't it be great if TapeOp had enough budget to do that?)

For the last plane trip (10 hrs, SF->London), my wife bought me Johnny Cash's autobiography, "Cash". Damned fine read.

But I always get giddy when TapeOp arrives. And you can't beat the price.

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Re: other recording magazines that you guys read?

Post by Brian Brock » Tue Jan 06, 2004 10:34 pm

I read a free issue of Relix magazine the other day, and I dug it. I hadn't read or really participated in any way in 'jam-band'iness for quite some time, and I was expecting a bunch of articles about getting stoned in the studio and what have you, but there was actually good information, even from a musician's viewpoint.


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