posse in the studio?

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by trashy » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:21 pm

Yeah, PBR is all cool and trendy here, too. Worked its way down from Portland, where all the hip-snit is happening. Miller is still the champaign of beers, though; no coolster's gonna change that.

I'm kinda confused, though. Has no one on this board (besides me) been robbed by punks? Are we just selectively forgetting all of the stuff that leaves our "lockers" whilst hosting or playing punk shows? You never been annoyed by some teeny-bands posse? Not to be a downer or anything, but I find the "no rap" thing BS.
I've stolen stuff as a punk teen, and had stuff stolen by punks left and right. Plus I broke way more shit than I stole, and I'm sure y'all did too. I would never stop recording punk or going to shows because of those things; I love it too much. I'm just more careful.
So are we just understanding where the punk kids are coming from, and forgetting that the rap guys might be coming from the same place?
I don't know, it just all sounds a little funny to me, the whole board (practically) being anti-rap. It's too bad really, since so much good music (and production) is coming out of the hip-hop community.

I love you guys, anyway!!!

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by Randall » Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:35 pm

I dont do punk either,,dont consider it music

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by eh91311 » Thu Jul 03, 2003 7:48 pm

I have to agree with trashy, I think it's wrong to label "all" rap artists as being capable of behaving as criminals, thieves and low-lifes. Punks and rockers, in fact all musicians and people are capable of improper or criminal behavior. When you expect people to behave inappropriately due in part to the type of music they perform, that is just prejudice of the worst kind, period.

Let's get real for a moment; I get crazy looks from people when I go to the TapeOpCon's until I see my old friend Larry Crane and chat him up a bit. Then it gets worse, 'cause they then look all weird and wonder how I know HIM. Is it me with the problem or them? Probably a little bit of both.

I don't look like a rapper. I don't look like an indie-rocker, either. I'm not white. Either.

So be real and call it what it really is.

If you believe that people will behave in a certain way because of their preferred musical style, make it easier on yourself; don't take their money, don't book them time. Play it safe, admit to your own personal prejudices and be true to yourself. Don't take their money and then complain about posse's or entourages or girlfriends or parties or whatever. Stop being hypocritical.

Learn to size up a person's character, and work with good people, not with bad people.

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by doyoudigworms? » Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:32 pm

I always thought the Cinncinncinnati punk rawk beer of choice was Ginny Summer Brew.... although maybe that was just rawk and not punk... or maybe just the dirt poor and desperate choice

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by housepig » Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:48 pm

I'm kinda confused, though. Has no one on this board (besides me) been robbed by punks?
never been robbed by punks, but the most theiving musicians I knew were all in death-metal bands.

I mean, shit, King Fowley from Deceased supported himself for years by stealing cds from record stores... I've seen him reach out and pluck a Beatles 22-disc singles box set right off the counter as he walked out the door of one place. Nice guy, I like him, but I wouldn't leave my wallet lying around him...

And one of Deceased's satellite bands Morbius managed to kill a great place to play by robbing it blind - they found a mixing board and a bunch of mics backstage - pow! out to the van it all went.

This is all aside from treating rental sound equipment like shit, exhorting the fans to destroy the club (watched the entire suspended ceiling get torn out of the Safari Club in D.C. during a Corpus Rottus set) and basically burning bridges and closing clubs to live music of any harder stripe.

Then they sit around and bitch that there's nowhere to play....

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by tiger vomitt » Fri Jul 04, 2003 11:03 am

eh91311 wrote:So be real and call it what it really is.

If you believe that people will behave in a certain way because of their preferred musical style, make it easier on yourself; don't take their money, don't book them time. Play it safe, admit to your own personal prejudices and be true to yourself. Don't take their money and then complain about posse's or entourages or girlfriends or parties or whatever. Stop being hypocritical.

Learn to size up a person's character, and work with good people, not with bad people.
FWIW, the rapper whose posse i was questioning when i started this thread is white.

for me it's not about prejudice, it's a fear of the unknown. the unknown being: "is this fool coming in to the studio tomorrow going to try and sneak out with my smokey?"

or even stupider, "is here going to steal my new favorite pen,a metallic silver sharpie?!?!" i hate that. a personal pet peeve i guess haha

and it _is_ kind of weird how many people here on tapeop are seemingly anti-hip hop. i grew up on rock and metal but i listen to more hip hop than anything else these days. compared to the shit that people call rock music these days, modern hip hop is way more adventurous, energetic and fast paced than anything rock has had to say in almost 10 years.

most of the lyrics suck in mainstream rap but if you compare something like the last lil kim single (jump off i think it's called?) to i dont know, say that evanessence song that's been plastered all over mtv with the operatic hottie falling off the building....i mean, to me the rock song just sounds like pretentious bullshit whereas the lil kim song has stupid lyrics but at least there's a crazy upbeat thing going on in the music ya know?

not that music starts and ends with mainstream...

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by eh91311 » Fri Jul 04, 2003 12:35 pm

tiger vomitt, I agree with you. It's not always about color... but sometimes it IS.

In some cases, it IS fear of the unknown. People always fear what they are unfamiliar with, and negative stereotypes seem to be easier to accept.

Nothing wrong with being cautious... who wants people to come in and steal stuff, whether it's a pen or a compressor? You worked hard to get your stuff and you'd like to keep it to use another day.

Can't ignore the anti-rap sentiment because it is here.

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by AstroDan » Fri Jul 04, 2003 3:53 pm

De La Soul. There's a great hip hop band. Nice guys, good message, funny. They wouldn't steal from anyone.

I can't drink beer anymore. I get these mutant, painful hiccups lodged in my esophagus that cannot be belched out. I can drink carbonated soda though. Weird.

Not surprisingly, I've been miserable ever since.

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by KingOlaf » Fri Jul 04, 2003 10:44 pm

eh91311 you're generalizing about all the people here who are sharing their real life experiences. And you shouldn't do that 'cause you don't know jack about any of us.

Prejudice, racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry in general are the reason I don't do much rap. I don't like those things.

I don't have anything against the musical form of rap, don't care what color the people are, but since I've started telling people I don't do music that's all "Bitch, Yeah, N word this, got my Glock 9" etc etc I've done one rap project in three years.
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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by eh91311 » Sat Jul 05, 2003 10:18 am

KingOlaf, I don't care much for those negatives you don't like either.

Not all rap or hip-hop is full of negativity.

You are right in the fact that I shouldn't generalize some of you 'cause I don't know you. I'm saying, don't generalize people's behavior, actions and demeanor by their preferred musical style. Some people tend to fear what they aren't familiar with and find comfort in embracing negative stereotypes, which is never right.

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by discs of tron » Sun Jul 06, 2003 7:24 am

especially ironic is the fact that most of your parents, or perhaps their parents, made the same generalizations about the music that you find to be safe, artistically valid, or whatever else. i'm psyched to see what kind of music our kids think is threatening.

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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by KingOlaf » Sun Jul 06, 2003 3:17 pm

I fail to see the irony; I doubt anyone here had parents who were studio owners or engineers and dealt with these things directly.
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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by soundguy » Sun Jul 06, 2003 9:07 pm

I dont know man.

My parents thought heavy metal was the devils music, and I thank them every day for saving me from the likes of Slayer, Iron Maiden, Manowar, etc.etc.

Mom and dad, thanks for not letting me get possesed by the devil and enticed by the sounds of the underworld.

Gang music aint got shit on the dark lord of evil.


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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by wayne kerr » Tue Jul 08, 2003 11:36 am

eh91311 wrote:
Let's get real for a moment; I get crazy looks from people when I go to the TapeOpCon's until I see my old friend Larry Crane and chat him up a bit. Then it gets worse, 'cause they then look all weird and wonder how I know HIM. Is it me with the problem or them? Probably a little bit of both.

I don't look like a rapper. I don't look like an indie-rocker, either. I'm not white. Either.
Dude, can you elaborate? Did you get bad vibes at TapeOp? I just can't imagine it! I mean I'm not doubting you, but I've been to both cons and found all the peeps to be among the coolest I've ever met... WhaHappen?
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Re: posse in the studio?

Post by djslayerissick » Tue Jul 08, 2003 11:44 am

but i like the sounds of the underworld.....

its a nice place to visit, but i wouldnt want to live there.


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