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what should I do?

Post by ubertar » Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:15 am

short version: mic advertised on ebay as dynamic really electret condenser, still good mic. should I get some $ back?

detailed version:

I saw this mic that looked interesting on ebay. It's an AMR (audio media research) analyser mic, ERO-10. In the ad, they said it had flat response, which makes sense if it's a reference mic.

I figured it must be an electret condenser, since that's what's usually used that way. But it was listed under the dynamic category, and I know some dynamic mics have a fairly flat response (EV RE-50).

So I emailed the seller, and he insisted it was a dynamic mic and needed no phantom power or battery. Later he put that in the listing itself.

The listing is here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... %3AIT&rd=1

I won it and paid for it, but poking around the web, I finally found some info on it. AMR is a now defunct part of Peavey. At the Peavey site, I found out that the ERO-10 is the same as the PVR-1 and the spec sheet for the PVR-1 says it's an electret condenser and needs phantom power.

I don't think I would have bid on it if I had known this. I already have some decent electret condensers. On the other hand, it's better than the ones I have, and $50 for a mic that originally sold for $200 isn't too bad. My question is this: am I entitled to get some of the money back if I want to keep the mic?


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