carpal tunnel

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carpal tunnel

Post by wenley » Tue May 04, 2004 2:18 pm

Do Repetitive Stress Injuries affect engineers and mixers routinely? I've noticed it as a few people's tape op level (i.e. audio school, recappin' neve, etc.) I'm sure for the computer heavy folks it may, but I've just been diagnosed and can't play guitar or use my computer other than for work for the next month. My injuries are not from anything having to do with music--more with my dayjob. Just curious. Thanks everybody.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by Scodiddly » Tue May 04, 2004 2:41 pm

If you spend all day at a computer, yes you can have a problem. I had tendonitis in my wrists back in my software days, and now I've got various exotic keyboards, less time at the computer, etc.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by percussion boy » Tue May 04, 2004 3:01 pm

To the original poster: Hopefully the problem clears up.

If it persists, definitely find a doctor who can tell one kind of repetitive strain injury from another -- remember that symptoms you feel in your hands could actually be a result of problems with the nerve anywhere along its path, not necessarily in your carpal tunnel. Don't let anyone rush you into a carpal tunnel surgery if the problem hangs around.

Nowadays you can find books that explain all the different RSIs, e.g. Pascarelli & Quilter's REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY. Sometimes it's good to use the book to get a sense of what your symptoms might be.
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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by dale116dot7 » Tue May 04, 2004 4:33 pm

I'm a computer programmer by day (no windows stuff - I write the stuff that makes a modern car and truck engines run). Anyways, about a year ago I had wrist problems where I couldn't even type. Doctor prescribed anti-inflammatories, they just make my ears ring. Went to a physiotherapist and they concentrated on my shoulders and upper back - my posture was pathetic and severe cramps in my shoulders caused a pinched nerve. That caused my wrist to stay cramped up for months and it hurt.

After the physio stuff I have had no problems at a keyboard or at a mixing board (I stayed away from PC based recorders basically because of RSI worries and the fact that I'm on a PC for 8 hours a day already). Even playing slap bass (the upright rockabilly stuff) doesn't hurt my wrists. Maybe my arms after a while, but not my wrists.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by Scodiddly » Tue May 04, 2004 4:36 pm

dale116dot7 wrote:Even playing slap bass (the upright rockabilly stuff) doesn't hurt my wrists. Maybe my arms after a while, but not my wrists.
Maybe it's even good for your wrists... a few years ago I dabbled in making chainmail armor, and eventually realized it was a beneficial excercise for my wrists. I'm now about half-way done on my 4th armor shirt, and there's a small pile of jewelry and other stuff laying around too.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by trodden » Tue May 04, 2004 4:39 pm

Day job. .... typa typa typa all freakin day, then add the tape op board to that and that is a lot of typa typa typa! I was having extreme pain, no health insurance at the time though... I got a ergonomic keyboard and those wrists braces that strap on with velcro and have a metal plate thingy that goes the length of the forarm and wrist (get them in black so you don't look so silly, got mine at bartel drug). that helped some. My friend who has a friend who is a licensed accupuncturist had her do some work on me and that helped a whole lot along with deep heat treatment. I cannot type without my wrists braces and keyboard. And yes playing guitar and drums does hurt after a couple of hours, but that is what beer is for.


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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by bluetarp » Tue May 04, 2004 5:03 pm

My experience with tendonitis and carpal tunnel was when I was gigging five nights a week on bass and geeking out on the computer every day.

I had no insurance. Doctor loaded me with anti-inflammatories (made my ears ring, too) and I stopped seeing the doctor when he said there was no recourse but surgery.

I found a mailing list, don't know if it's still active, by the name of SOREHAND and it was a huge help to me.

Bottom line for me was using yoga to balance my spine - my problems were in my upper back and shoulders - and adding B-vitamin supplements (extra niacin) to my diet.

This was ten years ago, and I'm still pain-free (in the wrists anyway) and I'm so glad I dumped the doctor when I did.

Of course, I'm a bass player, not a doctor, YMMV.

Good luck, take care.
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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by soundandform » Tue May 04, 2004 9:09 pm

Most ergonomics in offices are awful. I think there's a lot of denial and indifference in the corporate world. Fix that first. In addition to keyboard & monitor height and all those issues, I've had a lot of luck using a Gouldtouch keyboard. ( I usually just sit this thing on my legs, it's about the perfect height then.

And, then, Yoga.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by SKEETER » Tue May 04, 2004 9:34 pm

When I was younger, you never heard of carpal tunnel in guys that were under 50. I have been playing guitar for almost 40 years, and worked in assembly lines for over 20 years, I was at a machine doing the same motion between 4000 and 6000 times a night, and I do not have carpel tunnel. I am starting to wonder if carpel tunnel is as much environmental and hereditary as anything else.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by gravy boat » Tue May 04, 2004 10:02 pm

I had the surgery and it WORKED. I work as a cook by day and a guitar playre by night. About ten years ago, I was playing over 100 shows a year. It started as numbness, then hand pain, then arm, then elbow, then shoulder and back. Couldn't sleep it was so bad. Had surgery and learned how to stretch my wrists. No problem now.
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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by SKEETER » Wed May 05, 2004 1:21 am

yeah, but man you cannot wait to get the surgery, if you wait too long the damage is permanent. My wifes grandfather waited too, long, and it did him no good, he walked around with all the time with burns on his hands from picking up hot things, he could not feel his hands. It was way too bad, because he was a very gifted organist

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by Scodiddly » Wed May 05, 2004 6:14 am

RSIs are the Black Lung Disease of the modern worker. More people are working on keyboards, working longer hours, and with less breaks. Say you were a secretary 30 years ago, you'd be getting up to physically file something now and then, instead of just mousing around on the screen. Plus people learned how to type properly back then, with good posture.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by zoetrope » Wed May 05, 2004 7:43 am

1) Consider filing a workers compensation claim. Call an attorney who specializes in that area.

2) Do these exercises
They have helped me a lot, and I'm on a computer a large portion of the day.

3) The surgery helps some people, but I see a lot of people that stay the same or get worse (I do workers comp law), even after multiple surgeries. Try conservative measures first. There's conflicting advice on the wrist guard thingies. Again, try the exercises, I found them much more helpful than anything else. I also switch the mouse from right hand one day to left the other, since it seems to aggravate the problem even more than keyboard use. I have one of those split keyboards and they help. Also read up on office ergonomics. You can check out this site and specifically this page for some good information.

4) Good luck

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by MoreSpaceEcho » Wed May 05, 2004 7:59 am

basically just seconding what's already been said....get wrist pads for the keyboard and mouse, watch your posture, and most importantly stretch stretch stretch. it makes all the difference in the world. i had pretty bad carpal tunnel a few years ago. hands were really stiff, numb and tingly. it suuuuuuucks. i'm careful about it now and have been having no problems.

best of luck.

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Re: carpal tunnel

Post by stillafool » Wed May 05, 2004 8:42 am

I saw an interview with the late Waylon Jennings, where he said he wanted to "rearrange the face" of a doctor he believed misdiagnosed him for having carpal tunnel; he could no longer play guitar after the operation, and believed he didn't have it in the first place.


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