I stupid?

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Contact: I stupid?

Post by brokenchairs » Tue May 25, 2004 10:41 pm

ok, I have a peavey xr-1200 mixing board and a fostex d-90 digital 8 track. I have everything hooked up and working, except for one thing...I can't pan anything left or right. When I pan to the left it gets a little bit quieter and when I go to the right nothing happens. What am I doing wrong here?


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Re: I stupid?

Post by fillmoresound » Tue May 25, 2004 10:59 pm

how are you monitoring? have you tried plugging in 'phones to your destination (8track) to see if you have the same problem?

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Re: I stupid?

Post by Family Hoof » Wed May 26, 2004 12:09 am

If it got quiet on both sides, I'd guess that you're monitoring in mono (stereo outputs summed to one). The full left and right positions of a pan pot are always going to have a drop in volume compared to center. This is because you're only sending the signal to one speaker and not two. But what do you mean by nothing happens when you pan right? This is peculiar. Where is the master output of the Peavey board going? Is there some sort of special adapter in use like a 2 female RCA to 1/8" or 1/4" male. It should be TRS to maintain the stereo separation. TS would cobine the two. Describe you setup in detail please and you will get better help.

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Re: I stupid?

Post by zoetrope » Wed May 26, 2004 8:10 am

Ooo, OOooo, I know this one.

The pan knob is only really a pan knob when you're doing playback. When you record it should be zeroed. Each track is pretending it's either a left or right channel. Whichever it thinks it is, panning to that side will do nothing, panning to the other side will reduce the volume. My old 4 track worked the same way. Look at how you're monitoring the 8-track.

I hope that made some small amount of sense. The bottom line is, no, you are not stupid.

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Re: I stupid?

Post by brokenchairs » Wed May 26, 2004 10:04 am

Once again, I haven't provided enough info...I do it every time. sorry...

the 8 track is connected to the sends and returns over each channel, and theres no place on the 8 track to plug in headphones, you have to have them running into the board. The phones are plugged into the boards headphone jack on the front. Before I had the headphones plugged in a different way, but I couldn't remember which way I did it.

The dang thing won't pan during recording or playback no matter how much I give it dirty looks. Even when I had the headphones in plugged in before (in that mystery configuration that I can't remember) the pans didn't work either.

The main outs aren't hooked up to anything yet, as i'm not mixing it down.

There are main A and Main B pans over each master slider, as well as pans over each individual channel. You can twist every one of them every which way and they won't do squat. bah. stupid peavey.

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Re: I stupid?

Post by Rigsby » Wed May 26, 2004 10:24 am

Sorry if i've missed the point but a suggestion or two: You've not got a mono adaptor connected to your headphones have you (i did once before 'proper' phones came my way)? It's not a mono output is it? When you pan can you see the pan on the board? Sorry if none of this is any help.
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Re: I stupid?

Post by balletproof » Wed May 26, 2004 11:17 am

The best I could find was a grainy picture here.
Try this- Throw both master faders all the way up and pan the left to A and the right to B. This looks like the way it should work. Watch the meters when panning too, nothing says that headphone jack works right. Hooking up some speakers might help too.

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Re: I stupid?

Post by brokenchairs » Wed May 26, 2004 7:05 pm

I have stereo headphones and the headphone out is stereo, although now i'm wondering whether the adapter I have on the headphone is mono. hmmm...

i'll have to check that and the panning the master A and B.

thanks for the help everyone



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