"Getting" Digital Performer

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"Getting" Digital Performer

Post by jamesdean » Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:48 am

Ok, I've been sitting the fence for awhile about whether or not to leave PT LE for a more "open" system (DP, Nuendo, pick a DAW flavor).

I've been experimenting with DP and so far I have a really hard time seeing the "logic" in the program. While I can appreciate the depth of the program, some things seem simply counter-intuitive and contrary to conventional signal flow theory.

Am I alone here? I'm really hoping that someone can "show me the way" and convince me that DP (or any other non-PT LE platform) is worth it.

I would love to escape the "Digi death grip", but PT is what I learned on and I'm looking for the easiest transition.


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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by theistheman » Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:39 am

It's all about Logic.

I'll take it over Pro Tools any day.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by Milkmansound » Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:07 am

I use DP4 - and it is really easy and nice. The nice part about it is that you can use any hardware you want with it - even the digidesign stuff - but would agree that there is something about it that just doesn't do it for me - I have heard good things about Logic, but right now I am consumed with Ableton Live.
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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by tiger vomitt » Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:19 am

ive been using DP since 1997. im in a similar boat in that ive found it very difficult to learn Logic Audio. DP just makes sense to me.

sure there are some menu items and stuff that are in weird places, but that doesnt exactly make the whole app counterintuitive.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by JES » Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:04 am

Hey There,

All software programs have their learning curves. Since you know PT, some stuff will seem "counterintuitive" for awhile, but then you learn them. I'm also a happy DP user and I believe it's as customizable as Logic. In fact, lots of functions you can assign to keys and stuff that make sense for you. So you can actually set it up however you like.

That said, expect it to take soem time to learn. These things always do. Now that I know DP, I wouldn't dream of switching to another application.


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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by A.L. » Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:44 am

jamesdean wrote:I've been experimenting with DP and so far I have a really hard time seeing the "logic" in the program. While I can appreciate the depth of the program, some things seem simply counter-intuitive and contrary to conventional signal flow theory.
I've been using DP for a few years now and I more or less have to agree. For me the window structure and basic app function makes perfect sense but the menu design in particular is horrifying. It's like the people who built the parts of the application were brilliiant but then a monkey with a ouija board assembled it.

It's really a shame, it's powerful and I love it but it's one of the most poorly designed programs I've ever used, learning curve or no.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by wedge » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:28 am

Here's another vote for DP being counter-intuitive. I really tried to learn it, too, but I bloody gave up. Thing is, it looks brilliant. It's sexy, visually, and that pulls you to it. Meanwhile, PT looks clunky and odd, but when I finally had a chance to get my hands on it, I was blown away with how quickly I was able use it with confidence. Point is, PTs design flow is very logical, and as such, it deserves its cudos...

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by bannerj » Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:51 am

I started into recording about a year ago with PTLE and learned the basics in that quickly. Then for various reasons which I have explained elsewhere on this board I switched to DP4. I found it difficult at first because I expected it to be like PT, but then when I understood the differences I have found it to be much more expansive and find it easy. I think it is just a matter of what you are predisposed to. If you have been working in something else then DP4 won't be as easy for you.

This is not like learning languages where each new language gets easier and easier.

Yes, I think DP is also more interesting to look at which for me goes a long way.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by Tim Casey » Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:57 pm

I've found that with ALL new software, there's really only two or three minor things I don't understand in the beginning, but they make me feel like the whole thing's a piece of doo-doo. Then when I finally "get it", I can't even remember what the conceptual problem was a month later.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by jajjguy » Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:26 pm

When i first acquired DP, i spent a lot of time with the manual. For a few weeks. I haven't touched the manual since. It's a program that makes a lot of sense, actually, once you get over the first hurdle.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by sonikbliss » Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:51 pm

Fruity Loops is where it's at !!!!!!!!!

Just Kidding. (No offense to anyone who really does think Fruity Loops is where it's at)

I too have been sucked into the vortex that is ProTools at an early age and have had difficulties adjusting to other software. I am really tempted to jump ship to Logic or DP (leaning towards Logic, but DP is KILLER for anything MIDI related) because the many choices of hardware blow away anything Digidesign offers for the same price. MOTU HD-192 (Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Baby!) Everytime I have tried to use Logic I get turned off right away, just because it's not the like PT software I'm so used to. I think I'm going to have to lock myself in the studio for a month until I like it. :shock:

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by CDSager » Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:48 pm

I feel the same way....and I would even go so far as to say that I believe that PT looks way smarter and efficient. The colors are a huge help in the studio, when a musician can just point at "the red one" and the layout seems to make a lot of sense to me. DP just gives me a headache.

Logic is another stsory alltogether. I have actually had to use that awful mess. Im sure by now there are newer versions, but a while back it was the most inefficient waste of time. The waveform editing was pitiful at best. and so on.

BUT these are my complaints. The dude I llive with is a DP head. And for MIDI applications, DP and logic are actually pretty great. but i deal more in terms of live band applications and EDITING.

So thats that.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by wing » Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:57 pm

tracktion. i cannot suggest it enough.

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by jamesdean » Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:00 pm

I guess I've just been using PT for awhile and I'm actually getting fast at it, so learning a new program is a bummer.

I have to get away from PT LE for hardware reasons, otherwise it wouldn't be an issue.

One thing that I guess is driving me crazy about other DAW platforms is how "customizable" everything is. Most people will probably disagree, but I think there's something to be said for having a set menu structure, key commands, etc. For me, it really helps me learn how the program "thinks".

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Re: "Getting" Digital Performer

Post by bassface » Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:02 pm

Is there consensus that PT is "better" for tracking, DP "better" for midi?

And what's tracktion?


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