Free Studio

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Free Studio

Post by bigtoe » Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:16 am

Hey -

Instead of whupping on the guy in Chi-town via Cleveland who i never called back before my vacation (shame on me - sorry, Adam.)...i thought i'd try to start a post of charging and free stuff up here. I think it's interesting...

1) Do you think charging for your time is important to the outcome of the project?

2) Do you think not charging for your time hinders other studios' ability to make a living?

3) If you could find a decent job engineering at one of these bigger studios would you still be recording for free?

4) Do you cut a deals for bands to get the business even if you know they're heading to another well-equipped and staffed studio?

pointed questions - uncomfy to talk money - but it seem like it's something folks want to talk about...and if people do my day will fly by much faster at the pod. if not - well - ok.


edit - wow i'm an insanely bad speller.

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Re: Free Studio

Post by spankenstein » Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:08 am

bigtoe wrote: 1) Do you think charging for your time is important to the outcome of the project?
Yes. It means the band is serious enought o front some money and that I'm serious enough to take it. At that point I'm responsible to make them happy with their recording.
2) Do you think not charging for your time hinders other studios' ability to make a living?
Yes, and undervaluing would do the same. It goes back to the cow/milk parable. I have done a few spec deals but they have so far payed of well. But, why go to Studio X that charges $25 when Sutio Y is free?
3) If you could find a decent job engineering at one of these bigger studios would you still be recording for free?
See previous answers.
4) Do you cut a deals for bands to get the business even if you know they're heading to another well-equipped and staffed studio?
I'm not competitive enough to worry about other studios. It's mostly a hobby for me. Like I said, I have done some spec deals (2 to be exact) for people that are very old and/or dear friends that had a lot of connections. Every client I've had has been because of those two spec deals.

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Re: Free Studio

Post by superluminalmagus » Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:19 am

1. No, but its nice to get paid. I'll do my best regardless of money. I'll always have it as experience.

2. No. Big studios have better gear/facilities and [usually] have more experience. All is fair in love, war, and business, no? Anyway everyone that I've recorded were never planning to go to a pro studio to begin with because its not cost effective in relation to their music so I don't see it as taking money out of anyone's pocket. And you know, I'm not standing outside the pro studio door with a sign reading "I'll record you for free."
This is probably just a localized thing. I could see how it'd be a problem in larger cities but that's capitalism, that's what [the people in charge of] our society wants, anyway.

3. I would always record my friends for free. I would charge everyone else fairly as any other studio would normally do.

4. I would. Again, the whole capitalism/competition thing. Gotta beat the competition.

I like music, but at the end of the day, I gotta pay my bills. There are not many pro careers that would do their job for no pay. Sort of like a cop who just wants to "clean up the streets." Or a doctor who "just wants to save lives." You don't see this kind of thing.

Its the society and world we live in. :?
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Franklin.
The second is this: `Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these. - Jesus Christ.

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Re: Free Studio

Post by bigtoe » Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:09 am

hey cool - thanks for the responses...i thought this would be a fire cracker...


Moon Unit
gettin' sounds
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Re: Free Studio

Post by Moon Unit » Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:26 pm

I just think you have to try and personalize this as much as possible if you want to get a relevent answer.

I mean . . . if you have a day job, and I'm assuming you do:

1) Do you think getting paid for whatever it is you currently do for a living is important? (In other words, would you work at Burger King for free? :D he he. Just a silly attempt at humor)

2) Do you suppose that if you and others were to start working for free, would this hinder the ability of those entering in to your field to make a living?

3) If you could find better, higher-paying work in the same field you're currently in, would you do it for free?

4) If you were "the boss" at your current place of employment, would you cut any deals?

What I'm saying is Internalize it. Turn the tables on yourself if you want to get a different perspective on it. It's obviously a different industry with different variables, I'm assuming, but try and answer these questions yourself and see what you come up with.

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Re: Free Studio

Post by bigtoe » Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:58 pm

oh hey - i was justa looking for discussion on it is all...not direct answers...shootin the shit...

i worked at burger king and damn close to it being free...i think it was 3.35/hr...amazing!

have a good un...


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