hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

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hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by bejeeber » Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:11 pm

I need to purchase a mic for recording a female sort of adult alternative style vocalist.

Of the few mics we've tried on her before, a U87 sounded best, a 414 was eh, OK - kinda hard sounding and not flattering, a Rode Classic - crummy, kinda ghostly sounding.

So I'll try to get a dealer to sell me 3 or so mics with the understanding that I'll keep just the one that tests best.

Here's what I'm thinking of trying based on hearsay:

An AT4050 or 4047 (neutral and might work well with Antares Mic Modeler?)

a Blue Mouse (agressive, yet not harsh or sibilant?)

an AEA R84 (I might have to push the highs w/EQ, but it'd be worth it?)

Any comments, suggestions?


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Re: hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by bigtoe » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:08 am

"Here's what I'm thinking of trying based on hearsay"

try all the mics you can...don't go on hearsay.

that said the 87 is kind of a standard. if you don't have an sm7 or re20/pl20...you might try those.


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Re: hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by kcrusher » Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:46 am

Believe it or not, we did a big mic shootout awhile back for a female vocal mic and the SE Electronic Z-5600 won, and pretty handily. This was a blind listening test done by 4 people, all of whom chose the Z-5600. Other mics included U87, TLM103, 414, 4050, 4060, 4040, SM7, RE20, KM184, CMC-6, Blue Bottle, Dragonfly, Blueberry and about 20 other major mics.

We couldn't have been more surprised, but we've been very pleased with the mic ever since.
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Re: hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by cgarges » Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:42 am

The mics that I have consistently liked on female singers in particular are the Telefunken U47, the Neumann U87, the AKG 414, the Blue Bottle, the 4050, and the Blue Baby Bottle.

Chris Garges
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Re: hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by Moon Unit » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:11 am

bejeeber wrote:Of the few mics we've tried on her before, a U87 sounded best . . .
I'm going to go waaayyy out on a limb here, and suggest a u87, then.

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Re: hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by joel hamilton » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:49 am

For female "rock" vocals I find myslef putting up: GT1a,C12VR,CMV563,BLUE mouse, and maybe a BK5. maybe.

Usually the GT1a with an old 12ax7 in it sounds the best. Has the right kind of drive to the higher notes without sounding fuzzed out. Like the cartoon of a U67. I love that microphone. Totally the best "secret" bargain out there right now in a tube based LDC. The original one, that looks like an aluminum pipe.

The C12 VR with a special, nice old 6072 in it sounds really good as well. In fact I am using that one right now for some vocals on a heavy, noisy song with a female singer with a great voice. Her name is Carla Kihlsteadt and she throws a LOT of colors at a microphone, and the GT1a and the C12VR have really flattered what is already a great voice with a lot of range.

87's on female vocal sound 2 dimensional to me compared to the other choices i listed. It is amazing how "flattened" 87's sound when you have a few really nice mic's up right next to them. I havent liked the U87 for some time, so take my opinion with more than a grain of salt. I just feel 87's live in a middle ground that is not pleasing, like not enough character, but not colorless enough either....

Just me. I have this debate weekly with engineer pals...

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Re: hope to try 3 mics for female vocal

Post by bejeeber » Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:10 am

Believe it or not, we did a big mic shootout awhile back for a female vocal mic and the SE Electronic Z-5600 won...
WOW!!! And they're cheep! OK now that's definitely on my list of must try'em mics.
Usually the GT1a with an old 12ax7 in it sounds the best....Totally the best "secret" bargain out there right now in a tube based LDC.....
Ooooohhh...man I'm lovin' these recommendations here....thanks to you and everyone else so far! pleez keep 'em comin'!
bejeeber wrote:
Of the few mics we've tried on her before, a U87 sounded best . . .

Moon Unit wrote:
I'm going to go waaayyy out on a limb here, and suggest a u87, then.
Heh heh...budget is an issue BTW - the $1,200 BLUE Mouse I was considering was about the upper limit.


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