liars new record... .. whoa

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liars new record... .. whoa

Post by moogrock » Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:58 am

so yeah...
ive been listening to this nonstop.. and i did a search and saw there had been no discussion of the sounds on this and felt it my duty to start one.

so yeah...
it sounds rather interesting i must say especially when you think of how over-hyped there first record was... and that some press has called it unlistenable...
i mean how often does a record that sounds anything like that get reviewed in rolling stone!

but i know a great deal of people cant get into it -- and find it annoying and stuff... but i think its quite a fantastic record...

and im in love with the sound of it most of all...
the fucked up destroyed sonics of all the intrumentation...
oh yes.

one of the few records that sounds modern but interesting i have heard in the last year... . .
most of what i have been listening to has been a re-hash of old psych (comets on fire anyone?) which i love.. but this record sounds like it was made today but doesnt disgust me...

so yeah...

your thoughts?

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by aishabag23 » Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:56 am

i personally like it, too. they've got a cool thing going.

as far as getting reviewed in Rolling Stone..... i think it helps immensely that Angus was (and may still be) dating Karen O. from Yeah Yeah Yeahs!

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by thethingwiththestuff » Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:58 pm

i never bothered to check them out when their first record came out. i had to check out this new one after the reviews and shock i saw all over the web. its pretty fucking cool, but even i have a hard time listening to it. i feel like they already made their point by the end of the first track.

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by I'm Painting Again » Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:02 pm

i think it was recorded mostly in a Nj basement..which IMO is pretty awesome..and would explain the "different" sound to an extent..

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by 1chroma7 » Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:03 pm

im glad to see some people are into this record. it was indeed completely done in a basement in the NJ suburbs. a lot of the tracks incorporate loops of demos made on 4 track or minidisc, which i always thought was a pretty creative idea. a lot of people gave it bad press though because it wasn't a copy of their 1st lp....

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by I'm Painting Again » Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:10 pm

its a cool album for sure..i like the Ep with the black cover a lot as of my old friends used to be good friends with one of the guys in the previous incarnation of the band..and i have to say they are really nice people for the amount of success they have had..and I have to thank that guy for turning me onto Can..

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by pscottm » Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:37 am

great stuff! my band played a bunch of shows thru france w them a couple summers ago and i enjoyed them thoroughly! they were amazing, nite after nite, and very friendly.

anyway, about the new record, i appreciate them anyway but the production on this new record is really special, imo. i'm hooked on it.

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by jeddypoo » Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:03 am

Surprisingly for a North Brooklynite, I have only ever seen them live, and never have heard their records, but live, I can say that I didn't like them one bit- it kind of seemed like if the guys from Vice magazine were in a Beasties Boys tribute band- in a bad way. Nothing interesting going on, ugly noise etc. I don't know. I get intimidated by people who seem really well-connected and confident, but they just seem so Williamsburg it's a little gross.

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by pscottm » Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:10 pm

i can see that. maybe if i'd had my wmsburg 'kids WB' goggles on i'd have reacted the same way. to me they're really onto something worthwhile that hasn't been done well in a long time. and more original than most.


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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by jeddypoo » Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:47 pm

Well, I'll have to give it a listen and decide for myself then.
I feel awful that such stupid social shit can color my opinion of a band,
but then again, said stupid social shit is how people get successful in music in the first place. It's fairly inevitable, I guess.

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by junkstar » Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:26 pm

I'm still waiting for a new Lyres record...

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by jeddypoo » Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:21 am

junkstar wrote:I'm still waiting for a new Lyres record...
God, wouldn't that be nice? I played drums with him once for a music festival thing in Massachusetts- he was just going as "Man Or Monoman?".
It was me on drums and the two guys from Unband on guitar and bass. It was insane. Jeff Connelly is insane. He was emphatic that my drumming not overpower his tambourine and we played a Pete Best cover, among other things. Despite this fact, I still think he's one of the best garage rockers in history.[/i]

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by junkstar » Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:11 am

A living legend. One of those basically unsung garage heroes who probably struggles to make ends meet, drinks way too much, makes enemies at every turn, but in the end makes me gush like a child when I'm in his presence. Very cool you had a chance to play with him.

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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by jeddypoo » Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:22 am

It was great, but it was harrowing. I felt like I was playing in Charles Mingus's band or something, like if I did something even a little square he'd cut my head off with a dull kitchen knife. Spooky. Hell of a songwriter, though, and a great producer/rock arranger. This guy named Mal Thursday, who was sort of my benefactor/champion in the Northampton area, knew him from the garage rock scene (he was in another great band called The Malarians) and he asked me to play drums with Jeff. We went to Mal's place to rehearse. Jeff was three hours late and tried to score coke immediately- didn't want to play without it. He was a grey-haired wierdo with big Bill Gates glasses. It was actually pretty scary playing with those guys. They were MUCH more "rock n roll" than me. I mean I put back the Gin & ciggarettes but it's like a solitary thing for me.

Definitely a memorable experience.
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Re: liars new record... .. whoa

Post by » Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:07 pm

BEARD_OF_BEES wrote:i think it was recorded mostly in a Nj basement..which IMO is pretty awesome..and would explain the "different" sound to an extent..
That "different" sound is really due to the corduroy pants Image : A Home for All Things Heavy


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