Studiomaster consoles?

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Studiomaster consoles?

Post by pk » Fri Dec 10, 2004 1:17 pm

Not much tallk about them, but they seem rather well liked from the few tidbits I could gather online and other forums. Any of you guys use one, for tracking, mixing, both? They compare them a lot to older Soundcrafts and Allen & Heath System 8 boards. I thought I'd post here for more info, as I'm just about tried of reading a mere "has nice, warm British EQ" and "it's an old board that sounds great", seems that's all the info I can find, with no more specifics on the pres.

Thanks for any info.

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Re: Studiomaster consoles?

Post by fireproof » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:52 am

I dont think they sound as good as soundrcraft, A&H or soundtracs


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Re: Studiomaster consoles?

Post by Scott Alger » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:53 am

I ve been using a studiomaster Mixdown for 16 years.

The preamps can sound nice,but compared to a focusrite voicemaster
I recently got there is a certain lack of detail. This is not always a bad
thing however.

The sound is definitely warm and musical. Pleasing to the ear.
The EQ is great, and I wish I could have this EQ "in the box"
Not as flexible as A DAW EQ but much color in a good way.

The only real problem is the pots and switches,which do need cleaning
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Re: Studiomaster consoles?

Post by chetatkinsdiet » Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:17 am

I've got a P7 board that I really like a lot...great pres, great eq....Other than the fact that it's not modular, I think they're great. I just wish I could find the meter bridge or expansion module for mine. Anyone got one?
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Re: Studiomaster consoles?

Post by BobbyRay » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:44 pm

I have one and love it, the e.q. section is very pleasing to my ears. They are not very trendy right now so the price is right. I've never owned an Allen & Heath so I can't really compare. I can tell you that it's a lot better sounding than my old behringer board, unfortunately that does not help you that much. I have yet to do any tracking with it however mixing has been great so far. From what I've researched the studiomaster generally is in a lot lower price range than the Allen & Heath stuff, so to me there not really comparable in that respect. I've read a lot of people say stay away from the newer stuff like the diamond series.

The channels are numbered backwards, left to right mine reads from 16 to 1. So that's kinda like driving on the left side of the road, takes awhile getting used to. The monitor out section is wired to stereo jacks instead of left & right. So an insert cable will do the trick. Those seem to be the only to quirks I've found so far. What specifically do want to know?

Also make sure that the people giving advice have owned or at least operated the boards in question, so much of the time it's all hearsay. I mean how can someone say "yes this board is better than that one" with out ever even using them both.

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Re: Studiomaster consoles?

Post by Family Hoof » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:59 pm
I looked into getting one of these a while ago but kept being outbidded on the bay.


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