Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

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Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by Rolsen » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:40 am

You know how The Cure's basslines are always so much part of the melody, yet they still hold the low end? Always very articulate with their notes clearly audible. How they do that? I know it has to do with bass/amp/player combo. I try to get that sound at home with a jazz bass ripoff (Johnson), Joe Meek 3Q with moderate compression/medium attack/medium release, and play with a pick. Yet I more often get the 'subsonic' sort of bass presence. It holds it down, but the bass melody gets lots when guitars kick in. I've diddled with the all-so-unpopular-'round here 'frequency charts' to no avail. My compression attack is on the medium to slow setting so I keep some peaks in there - that helps keep it brighter, right?

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by darjama » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:49 am

A couple things come to mind. How old are your bass strings? Newer strings should help you cut through.

You mentioned you're playing with a pick, but where are you striking the strings? If you're not already, try hitting between the bridge and the bridge pickup. If you hit here, the "subsonic" problem should decrease. Recording a mic'ed amp instead of going direct will also help.

You may also want to try backing off the compression, as it could be cutting your attack, but from what you say about the settings that's probably not the problem.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by I'm Painting Again » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:58 am

the right preamp makes a world of difference in how bass sits in a mix..or at least thats what I have want to use a mic that has maybe a "^" eq curve or one like it that doesnt roll off the highs perhaps..I use a senn421U (70's) into a discreet transformer balanced pre/eq module(also 70's) with good results for melodic bass sounds no joke kind of like 70's porno bass this way..

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by mjau » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:59 am

Amp that bass'll help in a big way, even it it's a crappy amp that's mixed in with the direct line.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by Mark Alan Miller » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:12 am

Analog chorus is a common part of that kind of bass sound, too. If you can, HPF the send to the chorus so you don't screw up the low end with phase issues....
Agreed on going through an amp - I never thought those kinds of tones are easily gotten with a DI.
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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by chuckfurok » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:46 am

Weren't a lot of those earlier bass parts recorded with a Fender Bass VI? Seems like that would help the bass stick out.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by kayagum » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:01 am

I also think that playing way up the neck (VII position or higher) is a trademark for Cure/Joy Division styled goth.

Just ask any of the rip-off bands (oops, I mean Interpol :wink: )

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by Rolsen » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:19 am

I'll try amping the bass. Don't have a bass amp though. I have a Marshall JCM 2000 TSL combo amp (2 x 12) and a Fender Blues Jr. For mics, I have Shure 57 and 58, and a Studio Projects C-1. I'll try the C-1 on my Marshall and blend with the direct signal and cross my fingers.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by GLEA » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:33 am

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by space_ryerson » Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:23 pm

There was an interview with Simon in a recent Bass Player, and he said he uses a graphic eq set to a 'v' (no mids). He also sounds like he uses active pickups on a lot of the older cure records. Find that interview in Bass Player; I found it kind of helpful myself.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by vvv » Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:45 pm


I was going to suggest EQ, a couple of dB + at 900Hz or 1.2kHz and maybe down low like around 90Hz, and a little cut at 6-700Hz.

Another guy I know only boosts at 700Hz and notches the rhythm instuments there in the mix.

And I know, I know, having to use EQ is supposed to mean you didn't mic it right, but I am talking DI, and I pretty much EQ everything, even if only with a HPF or LPF.

And I almost alwayz limit the bass, but maybe because I'm such an uneven player.

Also, I remember sometimes hearing a touch of distortion on the Cure's bass; chorus and flanger are not unusual, as said above.
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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by theistheman » Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:41 pm

yes. use an amp. A guitar amp can work pretty well (it's worked alright for me in a pinch). Direct is bad news unless you're just looking to just bring the rumble. Well, I suppose you could blend an amped tone with a direct one.

VERY little compression. Though compression will even it all out, your melodies won't cut through as well. You might have to do a bunch of takes to nail it, but it'll be worth it.

And play on the higher frets.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by mrufino1 » Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:51 pm

Don't forget about the arrangement- the cure did not feature heavy, distorted guitars very much, at least what I've heard. That leaves some room for the bass, and the kick was filling up a lot of bottom end. As far as bass goes, I think he was a p-bass guy, but I'm not a huge cure fan so I could be wrong. The V eq curve works well though. I used to boost a lot of mids to help my bass cut through, then I was subbing for a wedding band and the keyboardist was a pretty accomplished remix engineer, gave me a lot of eq tips. I went for more bottom, less mids, more highs, and it really helps a lot. He told me to boost somewhere around 80-100 hz, cut somehere around 200 hz. I need to push the volume knob a lot higher than I used to, but I now sound like I'm playing bass, not baritone guitar. Most importantly, he told me that I would probably hate this sound at first, but to stick with it because the people employing me would be much happier. That was about 6 months ago and it has been very true so far, and now I really like the tone.

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by the_riff » Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:18 pm

If you are speaking of Fascination Street, I would say start by using a MUSICMAN bass or a G&L. It's something about those pickups in those basses give it that sound....

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Re: Achieving "The Cure" -like bass sounds

Post by lonesome_tone » Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:17 am

definitely put some chorus on there. the effects pedal variety.


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