Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

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Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by nick_a » Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:12 pm

Where does it stop for you guys? Where do you draw the line?

I've been thinking about buying a new guitar amp. What i have was good for me like 2 years ago but now it's not anything close to what i want for live or recording. There's an all-original 1967 fender Pro Reverb for sale in a local shop. It's a great store that i've been frequenting for the 8 years they've been open, and the amp sounds like the good lord.

But i wonder, is it just too much? I mean, i could buy a new computer for what i'd buy this for (1600). It's something that i could afford in the near future, but i just wonder if that's how money should be spent.



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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by drumsound » Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:16 pm

If it's an item that 1) you're going to use 2) you're going to make money from 3) its going to give you something you don't have 4) you can afford it, then it's worth it.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by 563 » Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:36 pm

The line is all over the place. Depends on my financial situation, the average cost of the thing, and how much I'd use it. Generally I believe in spending as much as you can get away with to get exactly what you want, but only spending as much as you have to.

I bought an Ovation Breadwinner for as much as I'd spend on a guitar I'd use more because that was how much it would cost, and I had the cash. Had I been less flush, I probably wouldn't have bought it.

I'll spend more than most on old DOD pedals because I have a sickness for them.

I'll spend less on recording gear than most because I don't record too many people other than myself. So while mic A might be three times better than mic B, I'll probably pick up mic B because I can't justify the difference. Hence the number of Oktavas in my collection ;)

When I was shopping for amps a while back I tried a number of similar amps, from $200 jobs to $1500 boutique ones. Fact is I got the sound I wanted from a $400 Crate V-Series amp. Spending more to get a Bad Cat or some such thing would've only gained me a more respected brand name. But not necessarily anything better.

So ... Should you spend $1600 on that amp? Well, if money isn't preventing it then why not? Its something you'll use, its something that will make you happy. Can you get just as much use and happiness out of an $800 amp? If so, THEN reconsider.
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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Electro-Voice 664 » Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:51 pm

drumsound Posted:

If it's an item that 1) you're going to use 2) you're going to make money from 3) its going to give you something you don't have 4) you can afford it, then it's worth it.

I totally agree. I just want to add that unless this is just a buisness for you, its all based on love, love of music, cool sounds, ect. I feel like sometimes spending money on something that will make you happy is more important than common sense. And a good vibe goes a long way when being creative. I'd shop around though, that price is fair but, I bet you could find a better deal. Good luck
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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by nick_a » Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:30 pm

I've been on an amp search for months now, and not until this amp came in last week have i felt even close. it is something that i would use for practice, shows, and in the studio. And i should add, it's really, really clean. One small tear on the grille and that's really it. It was made the same year brian wilson was working on Smile, and that really just blows my mind.

Also, the friend of mine who owns the place validated it by pointing out that i could buy vibroverb reissues all day, but there's really nothing like a real 60's blackface fender. It's something i would use potentially forever, and something that would only appreciate in value, if that was something i was worried about.

keep the advice coming, and thanks to you guys for your posts.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Slider » Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:41 pm

This is tough. I had some good projects last year and I bought a ton of new stuff. Now that things are back to normal I'm having a hard time slowing my purchases down.
Just decide what you really need, and if it will make a big difference in your music and recordings.
A good Fender amp is nice for sure.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Family Hoof » Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:41 pm

Buying a cheaper half decent solution every time you become dissatisfied is probably more costly (in more ways than just price tag) than spending a lot of cash on a great solution that may keep you satisfied your whole career.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Mr PC » Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:47 pm

You should buy it, then your needs in that area (Fender amp of it's type) is solved for good.


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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by swelle » Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:22 pm

Good God, is that what Pro Reverbs go for now? It's one of the better Fender combos, but that's alot of money... is it blackface at least (Not that it matters sonically)?...

I bought my '69 Deluxe Reverb years ago for $200.00 - by far the best musical purchase I've ever, one of the best sounding amps I've ever heard.

(This reminds me of a guy I saw on CraigsList recently trying to trade his early 70's Princeton for a Line 6 Pod! I wrote and warned him explicitly that he was making a grave, grave mistake....)

If you can afford it, buy the amp.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Huntlabs » Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:31 pm

A few years back I traded a Strat and some money for a 67 Super Reverb. I bought it when I walked into a music store and heard someone playing on it. Truely increadible.

One thing though. My super is great in the right situation. I don't gig with it. I have a Rivera that is way more flexible and has way more sounds. The one amp you should look at is the Quianna. They make a 55 watt head / combo that is really great. It is the only amp I've played on that can match my blackface Super.

But if you gotta have it, you gotta have it. Go for it.
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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by swelle » Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:42 pm

Oh, and don't forget about blackface Bassmans and Bandmaster heads... they're usually ALOT cheaper than combos of the same era and you can always scrounge up some cabinet to run them through. I had a 66' Bassman head that I got for $125 that sounded AWESOME... 50 watts like the Pro.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Slider » Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:27 pm

Old Bassmans are the best!
I still play through a 66 bassman.
Years ago I played through about 40 of them at black market music and bought the best three for $150 each!!
It pays to be friends with the music store owner.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by kronosonic » Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:58 pm

You just need to convince yourself that it's not "$1,600" but really a bargain.

1. go out and try a Bogner Shiva with EL34s

2. admit to yourself that it is the greatest guitar amp ever devised and you can't live without it.

3. look at the price tag, take a dump in your pants, go home, clean up, change

4. go back to the store that's selling the Fender and breath a big sigh of relief that it's $1,000 less -- what a bargain!

just kidding :wink:

But, seriously, 1600 for a kick ass amp sounds very reasonable to me...just keep some perspective. There are a lot of amps out there that cost a lot more but probably won't make you any happier.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by joel hamilton » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:06 pm

Family Hoof wrote:Buying a cheaper half decent solution every time you become dissatisfied is probably more costly (in more ways than just price tag) than spending a lot of cash on a great solution that may keep you satisfied your whole career.
Exactly. That is why I really hate the "what is the best "X" for under 300 dollars" threads so much. The answer is the one that costs 900 dollars.

Get something good, take care of it, and you will always be proud to use it, it will work well, etc,etc.

Same goes for just about any purchase you could ever make.

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Re: Justifying lots of money going into one thing.

Post by Madguitrst » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:31 pm

Well, there are different lines for different situations, but regarding your comments on the amp vs the computer - the amp is a much better purchase.

The Computer
In one year it won't be worth anywhere near what you paid, especially if you buy one now, cause the 64 bit processors are gonna be in vogue.
In 5 years it will be way past it's prime and worth almost nothing.
In 10 years it will have already been recycled into soda bottles and you will have paid someone to take it away.
You may do some wonderful recordings on it; however, you will have never stopped thinking about that amp and how if you would've bought it, you could have bought the computer one year later for peanuts and had both.

The Amp
In 5 years the amp will be worth near the price you paid.
In 10 years it might be worth more.
During that time span you will get a lot of satisfaction from, sometimes being downright elated.
Every time you plug into it you will be happy you bought it.
Once you stop missing the money you shelled out (which WILL happen before too long) you'll be glad you didn't pass on it.......you won't be thinking abou the computer, you can pick one up for cheap if you need it.
All in all, the amp will last you a lifetime and be one of the best purchases you ever made.
You will pass it down to your children or grandchildren who will cherish it forever......or sell it on ebay and buy a couple of computers.

A No Brainer.
It's like the difference between buying a house and a car.
The house will last a lifetime, will appreciate, and you love it evertime you walk into it. You will more than get back everything you put into it.
The car will be great for awhile but will quickly depreciate, cost money in repairs, and eventually you'll get rid of it because it's not worth the trouble any more.

There's a saying that goes something like this:
Buy the most house you can live with and the least car you can live with.
Maybe it's not to be taken literally, but the poin is excellent.
I think it can be carried over to aany item you ever purchase.

Good luck buying that amp, you're gonna love it! :D
Now run down to that store before someone else gets it!!!!!
The Madguitrst has left the building.


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