Which kickmic and snaremic mix nicely with the Stapes?

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Which kickmic and snaremic mix nicely with the Stapes?

Post by dalachriser » Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:49 pm

I?m this (-><-) close to order the Stapes omnis and I was wondering which Bd & snare mics would suit them the best (for recording)?Of course,it?s a personal preference but this time I actually want YOUR opinion(s). :shock: :lol: ;)
The equipment I use is the Metric Halo ULN-2 and the L.A.D DMP-2 micpreamp giving me 4 channels to play with. :)
My goal is to get a very acoustic sound,a blend between jazz,D'n'B and Chillout drumsound.The recordingroom is nicely treated with basstraps,absorbers and diffusors.Not too big though,only 3,5x3,5 meters (or roughly 12x12ft) and the ceilingheight is 2.6 meters (or 9ft).I have no issues with flutter (the right word?) or standing waves but it is very drysounding.

Ohh,if it helps (I don?t know),the drums I use are Sonor 22"x16"BD ,10"x9"Tom,14"x12"Floortom,all in birchshells.The cymbals are a mix of Zildjian K-Custom Dark Ride and hihat,Ufip hammered china (very dark sounding),Istanbul splashes and Grandmaster 17" & 19" crashes.

I appologize if the info is too much,but maybe it helps you guys and girls to recommend the right mics?

Thank you for a wonderful forum (just discovered it) and for your help.

dala :)
I use Metric Halo,Apple notebook,Stapes (soon) and a bunch of other stuff.


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Re: Which kickmic and snaremic mix nicely with the Stapes?

Post by dynomike » Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:25 pm

Sounds like a nice kit!

You probably want something relatively cheap.. and relatively open sounding?

Try grabbing some more condensers if you don't have any already.

AT 4033 on kick...

Studio Projects C1 on snare.

Those are cheap, and lots of people get good results with both. That might be kinda bright for your liking, I dunno.. but its certainly gonna capture a more "acoustic" sound than close mic'ing everything with say d112's and sm57's.

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Re: Which kickmic and snaremic mix nicely with the Stapes?

Post by Slider » Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:35 pm

D12 and a 57 never sounds bad to me.

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Re: Which kickmic and snaremic mix nicely with the Stapes?

Post by dalachriser » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:16 pm

Thanks for the tips. :D
I?m prepared to spend some money this time and get the ones that sound the best with the Stapes.I just want 4 mics that blend together nicely.
I?m in the process of selling nearly all of my 1248in/5384out (;)) studio and go back to the basics (for me that is).That?s why I bought the ULN-2 and the Stapes.Sure,I could buy a pair of Earthworks instead of the Stapes but I liked the sound of the Stapes and that?s why I?m thinking of ordering a pair. :) The Eworks sounded a little too clinical for my taste.Although,a pair of QTC-1 will eventually find their way to the mic-closet,they?re unbeatable for field recording.
I?ve heard good things about the 4033 and the C1,I?ll be checking them out.
I?ll only use the snaremic when necessary though,I?ve really come to like the Recorderman?s Technique (hope that?s the right name for it),so that?s what I?ll be using the most.
Thanks again :)
I use Metric Halo,Apple notebook,Stapes (soon) and a bunch of other stuff.


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Re: Which kickmic and snaremic mix nicely with the Stapes?

Post by stapes » Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:41 am

When I'm in a pinch for time setting up drums, I'll go with two of the stapes as overheads, and a kick and snare, and you'll have pretty much everything you need. It yields a very natural drum sound, and can take eq and compresson very well to get you to other places. With the overheads being so flat and natural, I generally like something with a little more chunk for the power of the kick and snare. My go-to's are the akg d12 and sm57, but that's all dependent on taste. More condensers might be overboard, but I've done it myself with good results. I've also used the d112 sm57 combo for rock stuff, or re20 and 57. Remember, omni's have no proximity effect, so you can get the mics as close to the drums as you want to either vary the amount of room sound, or the power of the toms. You really don't need any other mics if you have a good room, drummer, and preamps.

Erik Wofford
Stapes Audio


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