Mostly Dead Synth(D-10) Can I save it? Advice appreciated.

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Mostly Dead Synth(D-10) Can I save it? Advice appreciated.

Post by jebjerome » Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:52 am

My Roland D-10 called it quits the other day, but I still get the green boxes in the LCD lighting up when I power it on. I feel like it could be fixed, as it would stick on the green boxes when I powered it up for I while- I would just have to flip it on and off for a while before it would actually come on. Anyone have any ideas or seen this before. The lights on the buttons don't come on. They wouldn't do this until it was fully powered on before tho.

I have a hard time letting go.

<i>who shot...
What, who, the bazooka was who
And to my rescue, it was the S1Ws - PE</i>


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