Suggestions for simple live recording??

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Suggestions for simple live recording??

Post by Moonshiner » Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:13 pm

Hey everyone,
I am looking to permanently install a mic from the ceiling of a club to record the mayhem that goes on there. There is no security or space to install any other gear, so I am thinking about a Laptop PC set up that can be brought in and set up just for the gig.

The purpose is to offer a CD of the band's set to the band, so a laptop with a burner and recording software is a given. I have that under control.

I am looking for the best option for the mic and pre-amp and soundcard.

This is a small room with only the vocals mic'd... it sound fantastic, though. The volume can get pretty huge when guys (and gals) show up with half-stacks, however. I imagine that a mic pre with (at least) a 10dB pad is gonna be vital. What else is absolutely necessary? Limiter?

Condenser/Dynamic?? Mic suggestions would be great!

Also, should I use the line in on a factory installed soundcard? I don't have much of a budget for gear, ($250 not including the laptop) so a Layla or great A/D converter is really not an option.

Any idea's will help. Thanks!


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