IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

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If the turn table replaced the folk singers guitar, did the laptop replace the turn table?

Poll ended at Mon May 26, 2003 11:17 am

Yes, by 2005 it will have replaced everything and we will be a step closer to complete the Gates master collective mainframe!
It could very well become an integral part of the kit, the way electric guitars did.
I think it's really just a technological novelity, a phase that will soon end.
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IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by ottokbre » Wed May 21, 2003 11:17 am

Really need to see more articles like the one on Keith Fullerton Whitman
Mad props to those that got the interview in the first place. (Matmos anyone?)

This stuff both baffles me, and intrigues me. No one in the U.S. is really covering this stuff with any technical insight. If they are, PLEASE let me know.

Here is Keith's site:

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by eeldip » Wed May 21, 2003 11:36 am

novelty for now, but i think as soon as some good controllers come out they could be a mainstay.

for the most part laptop music makes me want to kill... kill.. kill... so boring to watch live. decent on CD though.

something about the laptop that causes people to view the live PERFORMANCE as an afterthought. "look what i can do with MAX/MSP!" they say. i say, how do i know? cant you show me somehow?

a laptop on stage 99% of the time is just a real drag.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by bedbug » Wed May 21, 2003 11:49 am

I had mixed feelings about Wilco adding a "laptop player" to their touring band. On the one hand it was cool to see them doing stuff like "Poor Places" live, but what the hell was he doing up there? Clicking a mouse and looking at a screen ...

It's really foreign to me, mostly because I don't listen to a lot of laptop stuff. Like, you can watch a guitar player, and say "I really dig the way he/she bends notes," or "I like the sound he gets from that neck pick up." I just can't imagine, "dude, I really admire the way you control alt deleted at that one part of the song." "I really like the way you ... ummm ... what is it that you do exactly?"

It's not that I'm anti-technology. Some people probably hated the guitar amp the first time they heard it. I don't listen to electronic music, but I'm not really against it either. I just hate how laptop became it's own genre. I mean, at one time that kind of stuff probably would have had a generic name like dance, or even electronic. But now, it's like, you say laptop music and people will know what you mean. It's like the dance music equivalent of "emo."

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by eeldip » Wed May 21, 2003 11:58 am

i think it is a question of information.

a guitarist simply puts out more information during a performance.

more to listen to, more to watch. the visuals interact with the sound (like the bending notes example above). and the tone of an acoustic instrument has inherently more information to it. the performance is knowably more varied from night to night, moment to moment, etc...

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by aurelialuz » Wed May 21, 2003 12:12 pm

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by baniak » Wed May 21, 2003 12:22 pm

IDM is basically a "composer's" genre - whereas with composers of the past you actually got to watch an orchestra or chamber group perform - IDM let's you bypass the "middleman" - now you don't even get to watch an orchestra.

Yeah, the only way it could become interesting from watching the laptop player play would be if they came up with some new controllers that allowed for interesting arm movements to trigger samples, etc... like those gloves for Nintendo. However, a laptop/computer musician is never going to look like a guitar player.

The only effective performances I've seen involved synergy with other arts, mostly video art. I suppose artsy dance could be pretty cool with IDM.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by bedbug » Wed May 21, 2003 12:27 pm

eeldip wrote:i think it is a question of information.
a guitarist simply puts out more information during a performance.
Okay, I'm going to be way to analytical here, and take what you've said out of context. But I think this is a perfect of example of how computers do at least as much harm as good.

Information? Why does everything have to be reduced to ones and zeros? Is the sweat between a guitar players fingers and his pick "information?"

Just struck me as odd. No offence.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by DeafinONEear » Wed May 21, 2003 12:29 pm

I don't think they could ever make a controler for MAX/MSP...
But how sweet would that be?!?!? like tom cruise in Minority Report!

(no, i didn't see the movie, but I did see the clips....)

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by ottokbre » Wed May 21, 2003 1:20 pm

so should the laptop artist twirl sticks too?
thats never made drummering sound any better, but hell, people THINK he's better.

i tend to think showmanship is for the jacksons. i go to shows to see the reinvention of music i already know, or new material all together, as in the way jazz artists reinvent standards. improvisation means a hell of a lot more to me than the way the guy bobs back and forth.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by eeldip » Wed May 21, 2003 2:02 pm

bedbug wrote:
Information? Why does everything have to be reduced to ones and zeros? Is the sweat between a guitar players fingers and his pick "information?"

Just struck me as odd. No offence.
no offense taken. i would say, yes, sweat is information. when you watch a drummer, say damon from don caballero, his performance is a mixture of the sounds he is making by playing the drums (and grunts and so on), their interaction with the physical space, as well as a performance of his body. his excessive sweat is very much a part of his performance. his drums sound louder and better because of it. we hear with our ears, eyes, noses, brain, skin...

most laptop performances lack this sort of info, which makes them inherently more minimal. not that this is always a bad thing. but it usually makes it more boring. as someone said above, for the most part you have to compensate for this difference in performance. add visual art... add interesting controllers... etc. or, for example, you could play to a totally black stage and sit everyone in comfortable chairs. that would be cool.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by bedbug » Wed May 21, 2003 2:19 pm

eeldip wrote:
bedbug wrote:
Information? Why does everything have to be reduced to ones and zeros? Is the sweat between a guitar players fingers and his pick "information?"
i would say, yes, sweat is information. when you watch a drummer, say damon from don caballero, his performance is a mixture of the sounds he is making by playing the drums (and grunts and so on), their interaction with the physical space, as well as a performance of his body.
I prefer to call it "insperato."

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by the velour fog » Wed May 21, 2003 2:43 pm

ottokbre wrote:so should the laptop artist twirl sticks too?
thats never made drummering sound any better, but hell, people THINK he's better.

i tend to think showmanship is for the jacksons. i go to shows to see the reinvention of music i already know, or new material all together, as in the way jazz artists reinvent standards. improvisation means a hell of a lot more to me than the way the guy bobs back and forth.

...or is that just me?
I had to stop going to shows with one of my friends, because I'd ask him what he though of the band, and he'd say something like, "They're not gonna make it. The singer was wearing a jean jacket, and the bass player had a trucker's hat. And they all just stand there." I'm not into the image of a band, or how the performance is aside from sound quality. I actually find "uniforms" and exaggerated motions distracting. but then of course, most of the stuff i listen to, is stuff you listen to lying on your bed with headphones anyway.

:| i guess what i'm saying is i'm not gonna be any more bored than i already am. your silver wig, and neon pants, jumping around like a monkey won't change anything...except my respect maybe.
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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by newnumbers » Wed May 21, 2003 3:31 pm

i disagree (also) with those who were saying that computers have no place on stage.
do you think keyboard instruments (besides the ones that look like guitars) also have no place?
essentially the player looks pretty much the same on keyboards and laptops.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by bedbug » Wed May 21, 2003 3:53 pm

newnumbers wrote:i disagree (also) with those who were saying that computers have no place on stage.
do you think keyboard instruments (besides the ones that look like guitars) also have no place?
essentially the player looks pretty much the same on keyboards and laptops.
In terms of keyboards, I think of laptops being kinda like matching the rhythms and fingered-chord accompaniment on a Casio.

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Re: IDM, Laptop Artists - The new folk?

Post by jdsvolk » Wed May 21, 2003 3:57 pm

I would see a laptop show if they set it on fire and smashed it at the end.

(I can see the future now: Live at Office Depot: Dr. Planet's laptop concerto #1, $5 cover, $3 with recycled toner cartridge...)


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