80's red knob fender twin question

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80's red knob fender twin question

Post by jerrymac » Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:02 pm

Anyone got a late 80's/early 90's fender twin? the one with the red knobs? I've got a question...when I switch from the clean channel to the other channel, the amp has no sound for about a half second. I was wondering if this is typical? Or is something up in the switching circuit? It uses an IC ( i think) to switch channels. But an IC would just work or not work, right? It's like it takes a half second to switch over. It's not a relay, so it's not like I've got a flaky relay. Any help appeciated.

the clown at the store at which I bought this amp told me: "Oh THAT? those suck. everyone hates them. AND they are solid state."

There are 11 freaking tubes in the thing. Idiot.


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