Toronto-area - PopSongs project.

Regional activities, relevant news, job openings, studio searches, local beer nights (not a forum to plug the new album you just worked on)

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gettin' sounds
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Toronto-area - PopSongs project.

Post by ryanlikestorock » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:10 am

This is the unleashing of my new project titled "PopSongs". It's a monthly event taking place at my new Little King Studio location in Toronto where 5-6 musicians are brought together randomly with one evening to create a pop song from scratch. You'll have access to everything in the studio (drums, guitars, amps, weird keyboards, midi, etc) and whatever you want to bring. I'll engineer each session, but you'll produce it as a group. At the end of the year, I'd love to be able to release the songs on CD and donate all profit to charity... but, for now I'd just like to see if this idea works.

List the instruments that you play and maybe a 2-3 sentence bio about how you got to where you're at now. I'd like to bring together classically trained musicians with self-taught - men with women - hip hop with rock with jam bands with experimental with whatever else... just to see what happens. Also list if you're interested in singing/rapping, etc.

I see the project like an open mic night but in the studio. An outlet for being creative, spontanious, and to meet new people who you might want to work with in the future. Pop music can take many forms and I can't wait to see what different people are going to do with the very limited focus of "pop".

Email me at (for now). I'll be setting up another email or domain for the project as soon as my new site is ready (probably in April or May). The first PopSongs will take place in mid-March.

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