Looking for a B or unused room in LA/Hollywood

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alignin' 24-trk
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Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:08 am

Looking for a B or unused room in LA/Hollywood

Post by Kelly » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:09 pm

I got an internship in LA where some of my favorite mixes have been made :worthy:

Anyway, the deal is that while I'm interning, I'll go to LARW in order to learn to work Neve and SSL consoles. They wont move you up unless you know how to work these.

What they also said is that I should Track and Mix on my own time outside the studio. I fully intend to take them up on this, as I want to maximize the potential to move up (plus it would be fun).

After experiencing the difference of working in a basement vs a proper studio room, I've pretty much vowed to avoid the basement thing when I can.

I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to let me occupy an unused room or one that gets little work. I'm willing to pay rent or work on commision or work some sort of deal out to make it happen. Also, I can provide my own equipment.

I have the money for great gear, but a custom room is out of the question. I'd really appreciate help.


- Kelly

alignin' 24-trk
Posts: 74
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:08 am

Post by Kelly » Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:41 pm

I edited the post to get some of the glut out.

Just like to clarify that I'm not asking for free help (that would be totally awsome though). I can put some money towards rent on the room and/or forward money (if I make any) from sessions, and maybe help clean the studio or work something else out. I also wont ask to use your gear unless you offer it first.

I would offer help as an assistant, but since I'll be going to LARW and having an internship at the other studio :worthy:, I cant guarantee being regularly available.


- kelly

alignin' 24-trk
Posts: 74
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:08 am

Post by Kelly » Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:44 pm

One more try. Basically I'm asking to sublease a room.

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