Recording equipment rental in Seattle?

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audio school graduate
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Recording equipment rental in Seattle?

Post by travelingsales » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:30 pm


My band just got word that we are going to be able to use a really cool space for some recording next weekend, the one downside being that the space is not normally a recording studio and therefore there's no equipment there for us.

Among ourselves, we have a bunch of mics and other miscellaneous gear, but we are currently lacking a digital audio interface. I have been googling without much luck looking for someplace where I could rent something for the weekend (we need both pre's and A/D, around 8 tracks would be good). So even like a presonus Firepod would work although if you know of a place where we can do better for a reasonable price I'm all ears.

thanks for any info!

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