Portland, OR, warehouse/church/big recording space to rent for a few weeks?

Regional activities, relevant news, job openings, studio searches, local beer nights (not a forum to plug the new album you just worked on)

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Portland, OR, warehouse/church/big recording space to rent for a few weeks?

Post by pointillist » Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:31 am

Hey all-

We (leafminer.bandcamp.com) are getting ready to self-track a new release, and while we are happy to record in our plywood box rehearsal space (Puddletown!), I kind of want to do something more interesting. Does anyone know of a space we can rent for a few weeks at the end of the year? It doesn't need gear- we have a modular recording setup and will bring it with us- but does need to be a place where it is OK to make loud noises, is secure (so we can leave stuff set up) and somewhere in the greater Portland area.

Any ideas? Totally appreciate all of the resources here.


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