Brooklynites/NewYorkians: Ridiculous synth player NEEDED...

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Brooklynites/NewYorkians: Ridiculous synth player NEEDED...

Post by seaneldon » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:38 pm

For a one time super special show. Read on.

Here's the deal. I've been doing this NES math rock thing for a couple of years and I want to bring it to a stage with live musicians just ONE time. I've got myself and two other very talented folks on keys, and a very good live drummer. Need one more synth player to complete this collective.

You can listen to examples here:

Now, if you think you can learn 25-30 minutes worth of that stuff and play it perfectly while people are gawking at need to contact me immediately. Looking to start rehearsing right away for a single show (will be packed. people have been waiting for this for a long time) in two months.

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