Att'n: Brooklyn & NYC area Tape Oppers - job needed

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Att'n: Brooklyn & NYC area Tape Oppers - job needed

Post by lotusstudio » Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:39 am

I'm trying to turn over some stones for my son.

My son just completed a 6 month internship at a Manhattan record company and now he needs a job or a business collaborator. Know of anything? Any ideas?

He'll try anything. He is extremely talented, motivated and is a really good person.

Here's a page of his

(note the song "Bird Come Out")

OH, also he is seeking musicians to form a band for this and other music:

or you can PM me. :)

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Post by kayagum » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:13 am

Honest to god, isn't it time for you to let your son do his own job search???

If you're on this board and he's not, he's not ready to take on the real world if he aspires to get into music or recording.

I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but it's about time people under the age of 35 learn what it's like to hustle for work where the qualification is beyond fogging a mirror.

Quit expecting fairies to show up with jobs and home makeovers, and get out there!

(BTW: my rant is for your son's, and perhaps your own good. This is not going to improve his odds for getting a job. In fact, a note from a helicopter parent is the fastest and surest way to nuke a job opportunity).

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me too

Post by Scott Greenberg » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:20 am

While we're at it. You can find me a job too.

There, now the job offers will come flying in. Seriously though, I do need a job. Sorry about the sarcasm.

I'd like to change your mind by hitting it with a rock.


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Post by lotusstudio » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:14 am

Kayagun wrote:
Honest to god, isn't it time for you to let your son do his own job search???
He is. This board is a tentacle I'm aware of and he's not.
If you're on this board and he's not, he's not ready to take on the real world if he aspires to get into music or recording.
Geez, who pissed up your ass Mr. Gatekeeper? I thought this was the Hookup section of the board - am I in the wrong section? He's not on this BOARD because he's busy doing his thing and I'm doing this. Why is being on any board a prerequisite for anything?
a note from a helicopter parent is the fastest and surest way to nuke a job opportunity.
I take your point but now you're being a fucking jerk. This helicoptor thing is a strange new concept - maybe you have been watching too much Opra and shit like that. WHY is this any different from giving a recommendation for a friend? He's a grown man. I believe in him. People often do leg work for others. Tape Op is a group of contacts he does not have familiarity with and I do. Isn't that what is't all about - Who you know? Plus, anyone who hires/collaborates with him is going to benefit - I know it won't be YOU!
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Post by Brian » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:16 am

The Manson pic was very disconcerting, I'd remove his pic before posting to help your kid. If your kid is over 18, it's time to get him off the tit. If he doesn't have the nads to find his own work, you might want to consider that even though you do this work, kid might not really want to.

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Post by lotusstudio » Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:05 am

Thanks. Fan of Manson's music, I am. I dig his persona, but not so much the murders. Van Gogh's Ear was my old band from the late 80's.

Anyway, I had no idea I would be opening myself up to so much judgemental douchbaggery by posting this. Just trying to help my man locate a good situation to be in.
Last edited by lotusstudio on Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kayagum » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:20 am

lotusstudio wrote:WHY is this any different from giving a recommendation for a friend?
Because he's your son, not your friend. Look up the word "nepotism" in the dictionary, and if you can't figure it out from that, well....

And if you think your son is your friend, you probably should be sentenced to watch a bunch of Oprah episodes.

If your son is too lazy to sign up for this board, then I wouldn't hire him. It's like someone who applies for a job without researching the company/organization/employer first. That interview (if any happens) will go well, I'm sure.

You think I'm a jerk, but I'm just telling you how potential employers will react to your post. Now I'm going to truly be a jerk and stand back and watch you and your son fail.

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Post by lotusstudio » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:35 am

nepotism [(nep-uh-tiz-uhm)]

Favoritism granted to relatives or close friends, without regard to their merit. Nepotism usually takes the form of employing relatives or appointing them to high office.

OK there it is kayacum.

Last year I gave my adult daughter a wall hanging that says, "Always a daughter, now a friend"

What makes you such a bitter fuck?
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Post by kayagum » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:38 am

Who's bitter? :D

Here's an offer. You or I PM the moderator, tell them to kill the thread, then tell your son to sign up and put up a "looking for work" post himself, and he gets a clean slate.

Forget the Oprah recommendation. You need Dr. Phil.

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Post by lotusstudio » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:02 pm

You need a lobotomy. Look man, this is my post. Stop ruining my day. I'm just erecting a signpost pointing in his direction in case someone has an interesting prospect. Very hard to find work in NYC right now. Judge him for yourself but don't give me flack for raising the topic. I've posted his links. No harm done. He's paid his dues and he's great. Tape Op Magazine and message boards are full of people recommending other people. If you don't dig what he's doing, step off.
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Post by Brian » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:07 pm

lotusstudio wrote:You need a lobotomy. Look man, this is my post. Stop ruining my day.
You get Dr. me instead. Transferrence of responsibility, this is how and why it runs in your family.
I'm just erecting a signpost pointing in his direction in case someone has an interesting prospect.]
That's his job.
Very hard to find work in NYC right now. ]
It's never hard to find work in NYC. There is always something. I've seen plenty of places with postings up for interns, which is what you are when you get out of school. 1 year, no pay. Still think your kid can hack it?
Judge him for yourself but don't give me flack for raising the topic. I've posted his links. No harm done. He's paid his dues and he's great. Tape Op Magazine and message boards are full of people recommending other people. If you don't dig what he's doing, step off.
Knowing that you would give the manson creep any credit for anything good kinda counts you OUT in my book and probably most other people's except maybe some LA Porn producers. You can't separate this guy from what he did and to do so is to teach your kids that killings such as his are condoned. If they do act on that knowledge, they will blame everyone else, including you.
I hope that doesn't happen.

I'm sorry, but I can't give you a clean slate and now I'm wary of your kid.

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Post by lotusstudio » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:29 pm

The internship's already been done, Brian. I noted that in the beginning. I am only attempting to give him exposure to a larger group of potential situations than would come into awareness otherwise. Planting seeds. I do not meddle in his affairs. He's got to make his own way, yeah I know. I would not have posted this unless I believe him to be solid and that it would be helpful to him and others to create a certain kind of connection. He's a fine man and a budding young composer and has a lot of beauty to put into the world. What kind of people are you to criticize this? Of course I am proud. Why should I hide it?

I guess no good deed goes unpunished by jerks the likes of you fellows. This thread has been polluted by unwelcome irrelevant remarks that I did not ask for or expect.

You know, this is poison. You guys are wrong for making statements and assumptions now about me and my family. What's it to you anyway? Really.

ALthough it was just an amusing photo of Manson on my Van Gogh's Ear page that you seized on Brian, I must say Charles Manson's got nothing on you guys, you harsh anti-human freakshow fascists . I bet you voted for George Bush - twice.

Anybody else want to chew me up some more or, God forbid, add anything decent and helpful to the original purpose of this thread?

I feel badly outnumbered today.
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Post by Brian » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:45 pm

Quit whining you big baby, I brought up the photo, but, you said you liked his music, that's what got me.

Really a parent going on a board to get kid a job is a job nuker, you're sabotaging him unconsciously, or, maybe consciously since you have been told.

Either way, it' weird, and since you like Charles Manson's music, you are weird. That's all I'm saying.
You're a drama queen. A weirdo, and no one in their right mind would ever say they liked that murdering swine's music, screw how you feel, screw whatever you think you were doing, it isn't what you ended up doing and you outed yourself for being as weird as you are, tough luck. We're bad, my god, you like a mass murderer's music.
Get thee away from me asshole.

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Post by Mklein » Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:32 pm

Not to jump on the bandwagon (and I'll try and be as helpful as possible), but I do think you're going about this the wrong way.

When you say that his internship is done, are you implying that he will now only work for money? Is this now out of necessity, or because he (or you) believe that he is ready to start charging for his services (whatever these are)? It will be much easier for him to find another non-paying internship than a full on job. And unless he's ready to be a professional, he'll learn a lot more watching someone do something right than he will getting paid to do it wrong.

Also, after reading your post, I can't really tell what you're trying to do for him. What did he do at the record company? Why did he stop? Does he have a resume? Does he want to work in a studio? At another label? A Management company? Is he suited to work in any of these places? A business collaborator? What business?

You say that he'll try anything. Not to sound like a jerk, but maybe he should try working at a Starbucks a few days a week, so he can intern somewhere else the rest of the time, and gain more experience.

Even after looking at the myspace, I can't really get a feel for what it is your son wants to do, or even likes. But I'll give you (and him) advice that I took to heart when I was in the same position. Tell him to make a list of 20 labels, studios, venues, law firms, whatever, that he really likes; places that he looks up to, identifies with, understands, and so on. Then, tell him to call, email, visit, whatever, as many places as it takes. With a little initiative and hard work, he'll wind up somewhere he actually wants to be; not just somewhere easy that fell into his lap.

Hope some of that was helpful. Best,


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Post by chris harris » Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:38 pm

Brian wrote:Either way, it' weird, and since you like Charles Manson's music, you are weird. That's all I'm saying.
You're a drama queen. A weirdo, and no one in their right mind would ever say they liked that murdering swine's music, screw how you feel, screw whatever you think you were doing, it isn't what you ended up doing and you outed yourself for being as weird as you are, tough luck. We're bad, my god, you like a mass murderer's music.
Get thee away from me asshole.
Come on, now... This is pretty fucking ridiculous. Does this mean that if you listen to Lennon or Marley, that you're a weirdo who condones beating on your women and adultery?!?!

As far as why it's not his son trying to make good connections and network (the most important thing in this industry), I'm with you. But, going off on the Manson photo is childish, ridiculous and short sighted. You may not listen to music created by a mass murderer. But, you undoubtedly listen to some music created by great artists who happen to be criminals or very bad people.

that part of this thread is childish and outrageously OT.

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