Golden Ears knockoff podcast

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Golden Ears knockoff podcast

Post by hayley » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:04 am

Short story: I'd like to start a podcast that would basically be a knockoff of what the Golden Ears series does, and I'm trying to find out if there is interest in this project before moving forward.

Long story: A little history first.

I found this interactive frequencies quiz on Berklee's site a while back ( ... production) and always wanted to know how they had done that. I thought it was useful, but since it always gave you the same order of questions, it quickly became less useful.

In an audio class, I was recently introduced to the Golden Ears training series ( I found this to even more useful since it used real music.

But alas, it too suffered from the problem of the same questions in the same order.

Since then, I have figured out how to recreate the frequency boost part of the training. Eventually, I would like to figure out how to recreate all of it.

I've been using it on my personal music collection for training, but I had the thought that others might find this useful too, so I'm considering setting up a semi-weekly podcast that would basically quiz listeners in the same way that Golden Ears did, with different content every episode.

Since producing a podcast would be much more time intensive than my random personal training, I wanted to see if there was interest in this project before I moved forward with it.

I'm also looking for suggestions as to what source material people would like to hear in the podcast (e.g., songs, noise, solo instruments).

I'm assuming that the best way to keep this podcast legit would be to use creative commons music as source material, but I've yet to really research licensing issues.

If you're interested in the podcast, either reply here, or email me at "podcast" AT

Thanks for reading,

gimme a little kick & snare
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Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:03 pm

Post by Veej007 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:12 pm

Golden Ears is awesome, and I'd definitely be interested. However, I would think that building it into a web site that chooses a sample at random would be infinitely more useful than a long series of podcasts.

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