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SOLD Tascam ES-50 and ES-51 tape synchroniser **SOLD

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:26 pm
by samplebias2

Helping a friend sell some leftover stuff from his father's estate, late engineer Peter Yeend. It's actually two of the ES-50 units and one of the ES-51, they were in his home studio ( he founded the legendary Conway Studios in southern California) sadly the family sold the tape machines before I got involved, a Studer and Ampex for under $1K (bangs head). I'm really only looking for actual shipping cost and $200 for these pristine looking units. I wouldn't know how to test these but everything else I've got my hands on works, compressors, limiters, eq's etc etc. shoot me an email supajc "AT" hot mail . com - Joe