Need PT Mixing Engineer in/near St. Louis - indie rock

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Need PT Mixing Engineer in/near St. Louis - indie rock

Post by finnsmotel » Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:40 pm


I'm looking for a mixing engineer to mix 20+ songs for an album project. The music is basically indie rock.

I'm in the St. Louis area and don't want to have to travel too far, but will travel if necessary.

I need the engineer to have:

- ProTools 6.xx
- More than one set of speakers
- pro gear, pro attitude :wink:

I'm looking for someone who will build the mix I want, not the mix they heard on that new Green Day record. Current mixes I like include: Newest Guided by Voices, Pedro the Lion, Constantines, and some Spoon.

Please email proposals, rates, sales pitches, etc., to:



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