wanted:tracking engineer in san francisco bay area

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wanted:tracking engineer in san francisco bay area

Post by ammatapas » Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:50 pm

I am looking for an engineer to do a few days of recording "on site" in San Ramon. What I need is someone who has enough equipment who can basically set up a small studio at the space where we will be recording. They have a Da78, allen & heath board,snakes, stands, some basic mics etc...., but, I want some quality mic preamps, compressors, eq's added to track through, plus a great person to run them. Basically someone who's got it together to create a cool recording situation in "new" territorys, able to adjust to the room etc...
This is a mostly acoustic gig- live tablas, master violin player(grammies blah blah), guitar, voice.
Mostly live, Some overdubs. It is kind of indian soul- sort of traditional tabla grooves, but imagine stevie wonder/ben harper singing on top(i'm the singer/guitarist). I am the singer and songwriter and, I'm open to the right person being in a co production role, in terms of sonic stuff and just helping things work musically and logisticly. I want someone who has a wide range of experiences-i myself have an appreciation of everyone from J mascis to jazz great roscoe mitchell. I want a tapped in cat who knows how to add some grit and grime to the sound while also maintaining an ability to capture pure acoustic magic. think craig street think jd foster think rick rubin producing krishna das (a spiritual music guy) Oh, the other thing is, The recording is at a spritual center, really nice, but you should be able to deal with a non "rock and roll" environment, and sort of be able to be sensitive that the music we'll be making is for the purpose of connecting to the Divine-which doesn't mean it won't rock, or doesn't mean YOU have to believe in a particular thing or path, but it does mean you have to be in to helping us get there( and not laugh at the idea)
Anyways, thanks for reading. The dates are weds. feb. 18 setup, thursday 19, friday 20 record. Possibly saturday night and sunday record as well. This is short notice. Please email me why you are cool and would be great for this project if you are available those days (i'm flying in from nyc to do this)
we can discuss your rate, equipment all that. Please leave phone numbers, equipment, discography, (rates if you desire) etc...
ps: I want someone who is really into doing this!
thanks for reading this long ass post.

Last edited by ammatapas on Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: wanted:tracking engineer in san francisco bay area

Post by Recording Engineer » Sun Feb 08, 2004 4:20 am

Hello Tony,

You say to email, but you have left no contact information. I will PM you in hope you receive it or hopefully you will check-back here and you can contact me via phone and/or email. In fact, if you email me a phone number or call and leave a message with a phone number, I'll contact you back as soon as I get it.

Looking forward to hearing from you as this type of project sounds like some good fun with good work getting done at the same time!

Weston Ray
Weston House Recording
Sacramento/Orangevale, CA
(916) 987-6692

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Re: wanted:tracking engineer in san francisco bay area

Post by Recording Engineer » Sun Feb 08, 2004 4:56 am


A PM has been sent to you.

Thanks a bunch,
Weston Ray

Recording Engineer
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Re: wanted:tracking engineer in san francisco bay area

Post by Recording Engineer » Sun Feb 08, 2004 12:26 pm


Great! An emailing has been sent to you as well.

Weston Ray


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