glossery of audio job titles/descriptions?

takin' a dinner break
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glossery of audio job titles/descriptions?

Post by andrewstadium » Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:55 am

I am admittedly a bit clueless about the world beyond rock recording studios. I do know that I am not going to find work in a studio by
calling up and asking.

So I am planning to go A-Z in my local phone book under AUDIO cold calling places to send my resume too.
How's that for a career resource?
Tens, perhaps hundreds of listings. File under : duh!

I am realistically setting my sights on "sound companies" as opposed to recording studios because I feel that my chances of getting real tangible work are greater that way.

Still, when I call these places up I don't want to sound like a schmo.
I am confident in my skills but need help breaking the ice.

Is there a place where I could find a glossary of audio job titles?
One that is objective and not sponsored by somebody trying to make money?

I am looking for job titles so I can call people with confidence and say "I am looking for work as a...."


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